James Baldwin discusses the way education is taught through the American system which is very different from his beliefs on how students should be educated. He states that students should go beyond what they are being taught in school. Schools are based on a biased education that do not allow students to go more deeply into topics and know more about the history of their country because they would turn into a menace for society. Thus, Baldwin encourages students to gain a greater consciousness of the society they live in and to be able to think for themselves between what is right and wrong. Many live in ignorance because they are putting their trust of their education on the system that does not want them to arouse from ignorance. Specifically, Baldwin addresses the problem with racism in America where the system oppresses the people of color to create a sense of equality in which the idea of “equality” becomes more of a myth.  Thus, Baldwin says “the world is larger” to help us become less narrow-minded and that we have the duty to go against society and to fight for what is right and in order to change something we have to take action. People often question the American system but not many do anything about it. We often do not realize that society wants people that obey the law and never say no. There are people who are in a high position who always think they are right, which they create a society with the benefit for them. But, ignorants are those who allow those in high positions to think and decide for them just because they have more power. However, not taking into consideration that we are humans as they are and that everyone one has the capacity to think for themselves and make right and wrong decisions. We should not let ourselves be fooled for what we are told but rather make our own conclusions with evidence. 

In school we are taught under a curriculum and follow that to be able to get into good schools and earn a diploma. But are we really taught what is going to help us succeed in life? One of the things I wished I had been taught is how to balance work, study, and personal life. At school, we are under pressure by all the subjects that we have taken and most of the time every homework needs to be handed in the same day. Though, we are never told how we can manage our time so we do not get over stressed to the point that it can be affecting our health. Thus, I feel that school talking about this topic will help students get through homework with ease without affecting their workplace and personal life.