

To do well in this course, arrive at class on time, with your materials, your projects prepared, and ready to work. We will have a 15-minute breaks half way through class. Late attendance, extended breaks and leaving early affect participation will effect your grade.

Everyone starts this class with an excellent grade. To maintain your standing you are expected to be an enthusiastic participant in this class. Participation and dedication is a large part of your total grade.

Class participation means that you are fully present in class, not looking at your cell phone or surfing on classroom computers. Transgressions will result in a reduction of your participation grade. Electronic devices not used in class must be put away and not sitting out in view. No second chances will be given.

Consider this class as a professional experience, a job, an interview or an internship. Assume that your professor and peers will be in a position to recommend you or offer you a job in the not too distant future. You are not only building knowledge and your portfolio, you are establishing your professional reputation and affecting your career goals.

Professionalism is demonstrated by: 

  • Class preparedness (completing projects on time, bringing materials to class, checking web site for instructions)
  • Participating in critiques, and discussions; volunteering answers, asking questions, helping classmates
  • Paying attention during class demonstrations
  • Following project instructions and taking notes
  • Arriving on time and staying for the full time period


Each project will be explained along with a detailed project sheet. Follow instructions carefully. Reread directions prior to handing in your projects, failure to comply with these instructions will effect your grade. Sketches and roughs are included in the grade analysis and must be provided as part of an assignment. If not provided then a project will not be considered completed and will be graded as such.

We will critique work-in-progress as well as finished projects. You must present your work-in-progress in class to receive full credit for each project. Failure to do so will result in a drop in grade.

You will present your work verbally during critiques. All projects must be presented as printed materials, not as work on disks or on screen. Unless printed, projects will not be accepted for review, or grading.

Throughout the course, we will have in-class exercises and quizzes that will be graded on a credit/no-credit basis. These exercises will submitted to me at the end of class. The exercises are intended to build specific skills that will be needed for projects.

Course Website

Students will refer to our website (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/childerscomd2427spring2017) for course content and reference material.

This will be our most consistent communication vehicle. It is the student’s responsibility to check the site before each class meeting for instructions.

Final work must be submitted digitally. All files will be named as follows: TypographicDesign3_spring16_ProjectName_Your Last name_First name


We will be using the OpenLab (openlab.citytech.cuny.edu) for hosting assignments, online discussions, and final ePortfolio work. If you have not used the OpenLab before, please create an account, sign on and review the site immediately.


We will have a weekly ongoing critique, posting studies on our Tumblr account. Student must post their process and comment on their own and their classmates posts on our blog. Tumblr account: typographycitytech.tumblr.com. If you have questions, please ask!

Backing Up Your FIles

Losing work due to failed media or overwritten files is not an excuse for late work. Students are expected to have an effective backup strategy for all of their files. It is suggested that this strategy includes duplicate back-ups of all working and final files.

Please note that program versions on lab and classroom computers may differ from the version on your computer. If this is the case, you may not be able to open your project in class. Be sure to save your work in a version compatible with class programs. If you have any questions or doubts about saving or backing up your work, please do not hesitate to talk to me.


Homework assignments are 60% of your grade. The homework roster is taken at the beginning of each class, work not completed will drop 1/2 grade.

Arrive in class with homework prepared, printed and ready to present. Please let me know in advance if this is a problem.

Don’t miss class because you haven’t finished your work — class discussion/critiques are also a major part of your grade.

Late Work

All work will be due at specific dates noted on the project sheets. If your work is due at the beginning of class and you don’t turn it in until the middle or end of class your project will drop 1/2 grade. One week late, your project will drop 1 full grade, projects two weeks late drop 2 grades.


  • Final Project and presentation 30%
  • Homework assignments 60%
  • Class participation 10%

Each project will be graded on completion of a phase if designated and upon completion of a project. Failure to show work-in-progress where designated will result in a reduction on the final project grade.

Projects will be evaluated by the following criteria: following instructions, accurately and the ability to translate basic concepts covered in class, appropriateness of solution, uniqueness of solution, ability to meet deadlines, craftsmanship and presentation.

Students will be evaluated on class participation, presentation skills (when applicable) and verbal communication skills during class discussions and critiques. Grades will be posted through Blackboard.

Attendance affects student participation and consequently factors in calculating the final grade. Student missing unannounced projects or quizzes will receive an F, these cannot be taken at a later date.


Please be sure to check your citytech email (or whichever email you provide to me on the first session) on a constant basis. I will be contacting you via email with reminders, changes and other pertinent information. Check email at least 24 hrs before class or more often. Make sure that your email is not overloaded and discard unnecessary mail. It is your responsibility to manage your mailbox so that lines of communication are open and available.

Project handouts, presentation, and syllabus/calendar are posted on out website. If you misplace your project handouts you will find them on the site.

Contacting me

The best way to contact me is through email: pchilders1@mac.com.
Office hours: Tuesdays, 10:15-11:15, room 1127.

Attendance (College) and Lateness
(Department) Policies

A class roster roll will be taken at the beginning of each class. Only two absences may be allowed. After two absences, a student may be withdrawn because of unsatisfactory attendance (code WU). Students arriving after the roll is taken will be marked “late.”

Students may be notified at the earliest opportunity in class after they have been absent or late. After being absent two times or equivalent (2 lateness = 1 absence), a student may be asked to withdraw from the class (code W before the College drop deadline) or may be withdrawn from the class (code WU).

Academic Integrity Standards

You are responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by the NYC College of Technology Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities,” section “Academic Integrity Standards.” Academic dishonesty of any type, including cheating and plagiarism is unacceptable. “Cheating” is misrepresenting another student’s efforts/work as your own. “Plagiarism” is the representation of another person’s work, words or concepts as your own.

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