final figure/ground letterform

Compose positive and negative


1. Once completed, create a negative version.

A negative version is exactly the same except that it uses the opposite color.

        • What was black will be white, what was white will be black.
        • The positive and negative versions MUST be exactly alike except it reverses color
        • One way to do this is to “invert” your letterform in photoshop
          • Select object  >  Image > Invert

pos neg figure/ground








2.  In illustrator, create a 7 x13″ file

Fill layer 1, with 50% black

On layer 2, horizontally place both positive and negative versions

Use a 1 inch border on all sides and and 1 inch between squares

3. Save as a layered pdf

4. When finished, save final version as a png




step 4. Name your file:

incorrect naming WILL affect your grade.

name: comd1200_F24_letterform_firstname lastname

example: comd1200_F24_letterform_amy smith


step 5. Upload your final composition to the Google Drive for grading.

All final projects must be correctly named and uploaded to the correct folder on Google Drive.


Rubric rubric                







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