goal: explore composition
Choose a well-designed letterform
Crop tightly to reveal elegant form and counter-form
results: figure ground composition
grading: see rubric at the bottom of this post
Steps to completion
- sketch
- digitize
- compose positive and negative
- name
- upload
step 1 Sketch: create figure-ground studies
- Choose a very bold non-decorative typeface (see example below)
- Work fast, and do NOT use a ruler
- You must use form, do NOT use line
- Crop one letter in a square to create an asymmetrical figure-ground composition • Use a thick black marker on tracing paper to draw shapes—NO LINES • squares should be about 2 inches • create 20 figure-ground compositions using 1 letterform
- Choose 2 sketches that show a figure-ground relationship.
- Enlarge and refine. Create both the positive and negative version of each (see the examples below)
- Photograph all sketches and upload to a frame in Miro
- Also upload a screenshot of this assignment
- Use only 1 letter in a square
- Compositions must be asymmetrical
- Solid form only, not line or outline
- Marker
- Strike a balance between positive and negative space (equal white and black in each square)
Examine the form and counter-form, (the positive and negative shapes) Isolate just enough of the letter to hint at its identity
- Use “well-designed” typefaces that show the designer’s concern for proportion.
No computer work!
- Search for bold, dense fonts on Adobe or Google Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/?thickness=9&preview.size=57 Use the “thickness” category when searching
- Or use the text samples below
trace letters using your computer.
*It may help to enlarge the letterforms on your computer monitor and trace
- Use letterforms with “mass” for more black area
- Explore letters from other languages
step 2 Digitize
When you have a figure/ground sketch, recreate it as a 5 inch square in Illustrator
1. Photograph your sketch (keep it as straight as possible)
Keep your borders square and parallel
2. Open your photo in a 5 inch square in Illustrator
This is your first layer:
- (open layer palette from ” window”>in layer palette
- click the “hamburger in the palette’s top right corner to create a new layer)
- once the size and position are correct, Lock it in place. (object>selection>lock selection)
3. Create a second layer and add a 1-point rule to frame your square
4. Create a third layer and use the “type tool” to add the font and letter that you used for your sketch
5. Position your letter to match your sketch
- Adjust size and angle to match your sketch.
6. Save this composition as a layered pdf
7. Hide the sketch and refine your composition
Adjust it (twist, resize, but do NOT change the original proportion!!!)
You should have equal amounts of white and black.
- square format?
- use shape and form, not line?
- equal amounts of black and white?
- does it demonstrate a figure-ground principle? (does the eye shift back and forth between
***Trick: remember how we used white rectangles to crop our compositions?
- Create white horizontal and vertical rectangles.
- Use “cropping frames” to refine your composition and create a figure/ground study.
use white rectangles in illustrator to crop your compositions

step 3. Compose positive and negative
1. Once completed, create a negative version.
A negative version is exactly the same except that it uses the opposite color.
- What was black will be white, what was white will be black.
- The positive and negative versions MUST be exactly alike except it reverses color
- One way to do this is to “invert” your letterform in photoshop
- Select object > Image > Invert
2. In illustrator, create a 7 x13″ file
Fill layer 1, with 50% black
On layer 2, horizontally place both positive and negative versions
Use a 1 inch border on all sides and and 1 inch between squares
3. Save as a layered pdf
4. When finished, save final version as a png
step 4. Name your file:
incorrect naming WILL affect your grade.
name: comd1200_F24_letterform_firstname lastname
example: comd1200_F24_letterform_amy smith
step 5. Upload your final composition to the Google Drive for grading.
All final projects must be correctly named and uploaded to the correct folder on Google Drive.