Reading response # 9 EH

Modernism showed the wonderful time when simple geometric shapes are the basic of design and mostly focus on technology. Interesting fact to be noted from here is technology adds to beauty where using space in architecture where light air can pass for ventilation and in print design the blind spots, color psychology and shapes, the use of typography and simplicity are the key factors.

Mostly, Modernism is characterised by dazzling experimentation, perplexing narrative and poetic form and often contradictory aesthetic and ideological tendencies. The desire to ‘Make it new!

Simply can be identified by the era of art where new ways of experiment and collective approaches can be seen more than any other time. The result was obvious, coming up with bright, simple ideas like Bauhaus school and alumni student and more practical thought introduced with aesthetic.

Postmodernism is a society net which formed its own life forms. The period when west civilization entered a dark period since 1875 is called a postmodern period. Postmodern societies do not foresee the freedom of mind, they defend local culture; they are formed of civil societies. Postmodernism is a reaction against being modernism global in knowledge, mind and values. It internalizes the aim approach in the realist ideal and has been the aim of society’s values. Postmodern societies corrupts all rules by third learning, they leave all their behaviours.

There are some basic of postmodernism that still make an impact in today’s society, like photography, body art, graffiti art, and video art. Art is everything and everywhere. With our prior attention, it can be detected what? why? and how is persuaded and what is the reflection of the art.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Hello, What do you mean by this?

    Postmodern societies corrupts all rules by third learning, they leave all their behaviours.

    Postmodernism is a society net which formed its own life forms. The period when west civilization entered a dark period since 1875 is called a postmodern period.

    With our prior attention, it can be detected what? why? and how is persuaded and what is the reflection of the art.

    You can be more specific about the impact of postmodernism (last paragraph)

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