Cooper Hewitt Trip


The dresses and skirts in this photograph were created by a woman named Christina Kim that took scraps of fabric and sewed all the pieces together to create these pieces.  This grabbed my attention because seeing that she was able to create this by hand really amazed me.  I could only imagine the amount of time it took to make these.  I also really enjoy the fact that used scars of fabric that were traditional in different cultures.


This piece caught my attention because of all that is going on in the space.  I’m not sure if this is meaning of the piece but when I see this I think of how nature and humans relate to one another.  The decorative swirls that seem to be going around in a circle and how there are birds, flowers, lions and that man’s face that has swirls coming from his mouth.  This really makes me think about what this could be about and what the inspiration could’ve been for this.


This exhibit really fascinated and impressed me because these mini architect pieces are so well done.  This one staircase reminded me of that grand staircase in the movie Titanic.  The artist really did a great job with the visual interest, the shape is really interesting as well as the contrast with the lighter and darker browns in the piece.This was my favorite piece in the art gallery and the attention to detail in the piece was what really grabbed my attention.