Although cliché, sharing photos of food you’ve either had at a restaurant you visited, made yourself, or someone made for you is a common practice with frequent social media users. But it’s not joke that you can make money on something that would boost yours or someone elses reputation. People who are successful at this are known as influencers and they are a good way for businesses and independent people to market themselves and get their name out there. I admire people who can reach this kind of status because it takes consistency with posting, updates, connecting and responding to the audience. This included the photos they post having some kind of visual quality and style. Influencers are necessary in this ever expanding online marketing world and they’re work, either as models or food, is invaluable.
My sister was in the hospital 2 days before thanksgiving giving birth to my new baby niece! She had to be hospitalised for at least 2 days and ended up not being home for thanksgiving. I cooked a big meal anyway for my mom to bring her to the hospital. I didn’t know how to make turkey the way my mom and sister do (nor did i want to spend the amount of time it would take to make it). So i bought a pork butt and glazed it in my family’s homemade honey mustard, brown sugar, pineapple juice glaze. It was AMAZING! We also had stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, maple glazed braised carrot spears with bacon bits, and pumpkin pie!
- Needless to say, i was exhausted that day.