Congrats! you have found my about me page. My name is Chaunce Taylor, I am a New York City College of Technology alumni. I graduated as a Professional and Technical writer but that is just one of my skills. Most of my interest lies in the I.O.T (internet of things) research, and analytics. My journey can be described as a way around the sun. I immersed myself in the Technical Writing major I learned many different writing styles and learn different ways to present ideas/concepts to other people and tell a story with not only my words but with visualizations.
My potential role is to be the bridge between subject experts and clients/customers. My specialization in computer science provides me background in web development and technical documentation practices. I strive to become a tech consultant and do my part to make society more technically sound but still maintain ethics using technology. The Professional and Technical writing major has exposed me to many different career paths and shown me it is about what you can do and bring to the table. My portfolio will show exactly what I bring to the table.