Week of October 19, 2021

Well, this week is going interestingly. I have been at a standstill for the past week and a half now with the Research Day project. The date of the event is November 5th and I still need to receive an official copy of the flow chart and poster. The poster needs to go out as soon as possible but I have not received any word yet from my client. I am getting a bit nervous as I sent three emails and do not want to come off as pushy… There is still also another deliverable that I know nothing about that my client would like to get done as well. I hope he will get back to me soon as I need time to complete this all. However, I understand that he is a very busy person.

Moving on I introduced another project in my last entry where I am basically in charge of creating a web banner for an Openlab website for classes under the COMD 4701 Design Team. It is for Commencement and Honors Convocation Cover Designs submissions. This project is going well. I just finished the compositions for it. I will of course include them in this post. I received really helpful feedback, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves by next week.

Lastly, I have this third project that I believe I wrote about before, but I did not know what I would be doing. It is for the Faculty Publication Support Workshop Series. I was originally tasked with adding links to a PowerPoint. However, I recently had a meeting with professor Biehl where we spoke about the project in more detail and came to a consensus on what needs to be done next. I still have to email my client about that.

Sooo, today was a busy day for my internship! It is Oct 21st and I just had my second meeting with my client for Research Day @ City Tech. The one that I was worried about. So, this was my second client meeting and I feel that it went so well. I was calm and I was confident. I guess my nerves dispersed quite a bit since I knew what to expect. The meeting was at 11:30 but I was there since 11 am lol. My client had previously mentioned wanting another deliverable. That deliverable turned into deliverables lol. Multiple. I have to create additionally a branded PowerPoint template, agenda design layout, research pillar illustration, and grant growth chart. Along with a web banner, poster, and flow chart that still need to be done. But I am pumped and excited! My mentor’s presence also gave me comfort. I don’t feel stressed at all about that. The only stress that I feel regarding this product is that I have not received the copy yet for anything which makes the design process more difficult.