i have learned a lot this semester about graphic design. for instance learning about the graphic design principles like movement repetition  texture and so on.  learning about no window offices to having to present every single class!has taught me more or less whats it like the in real world. as frustrating it was learning about color i did learn that color is a very complicated topic and that its viewed differently among the eyes of many. but one thing i know for sure is that color is made up of three qualities hue, saturation, and value. when it came to the 2 final projects on color i was more focused on actually getting them done on time rather then understanding the meaning behind the project. i wish i could’ve paid attention more when learning about color because it was a bit confusing.overall it was a good semester met new people and learned a lot i know this is just the beginning of a long journey but im all for it and yes i will be keeping my design journal for future reference.

thank you professor for your time and patience.