What Is Facial Recognition?

What is Facial Recognition is simply answered in the question. Facial Recognition is a way of identifying or confirming a way of individuals identity using their face.

Facial Recognition can be used to identify people in photos, videos, or in real time.

Students will be able to access campus, cafes and libraries using facial recognition technology. As an ID verification replacement for campus access, marketing purchase in campus library and cafeteria and prevent campus crime.

Facial Recognition at campus can help manage students and faculty experience. Facial Recognition at campus will help student in simple and complex ways. Coming to campus without to worry about a student ID. Borrowing a library item without wait in line with a librarian. Making purchases on the campus vending machine without a bank card. Entering any campus building using facial recognition will automatically mark yourself when in the classroom. Students no longger will create traffic to enter campus, cafeterias or libraries. No more key card or singing.