ioio (scouting project pt 3)

Android Controlled Interactive Mirror Prototype

I like this projec because it’s not only creative but it’s very unassuming (considering that you’re able to hide the wires connected to the LED matrix). I the different apps he has for the mirror are nice and if he’s able to have better LEDs or a higher resolution, he could use it for anything from security to keeping a child entertained. While it doesn’t seem overly complicated, i like the creativity behind it.

Arduino scouting project 2

First Arduino Project – Bluetooth Arduino Android RC Car

This project would be more of something I personally would feel comfortable in doing. The set up seems simple enough and the parts don’t seem to cost too much. I like how the set up to drive the car is simple. You can cut on light, turn it left and right, move it forward and reverse it.What I would like to attempt to do is connect the steering to the gyroscope of the phone so that you have an extra option for steering. I would also try to connect a mini camera on top of the car in order to see where i’m driving. If I have the time I would also like to build two cars and make some sort of a “Cops and Robbers” style chase sequence with the one car be able to follow the other car by a photo sensor on the back of one car and in front of the second. Overall this is the sort of project I would feel comfortable and safe in doing.

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