Type Book Assembly

There seems to be some confusion about what is included in your finished Type Book. Every type book exercise is to be included. The list that was handed out in class was based on the titles on the assignment sheets. Some of those handouts included more than one exercise. Hopefully this list will offer a bit of clarity.

  • Front Cover
  • Anatomy
  • 5 Families (5 pages)
  • Variations (6 pages)
  • Alignment
  • Alignment2
  • Leading (2 pages)
  • Tracking (2 pages)
  • Kerning
  • Type on a Path
  • Legibility (in color)
  • Type Color
  • Hierarchy
  • Grid (2 pages)
  • Pattern
  • Embellished Quote
  • Logotype
  • Putting it All Together Poster (a poster design that incorporates everything you have learned about typography. In the fifth column, the Title will be Putting it All Together. You will use columns 1-4 only for your design)

These books will be printed out and bound along the short left edge, where we left space for such details. They should have a clear vinyl front cover and a black vinyl back cover with spiral binding along the left side.

The finished books are to be submitted no later than Monday, April, 4, 2016. 

Mid-Term Exam

The mid-term exam is scheduled for Monday, March 28th. It will cover all that we’ve learned so far. Please take the time to review your notes, the reading assignments and the updates that have been posted on this website.

You may also want to download this document, Adobe Type Primer, which contains most of the information about typography that we’ve covered.

Class 9 – InDesign and Type on a Path

Most of the time during was spent learning to use the PEN TOOL in InDesign and creating type on a path. After an in-class demo, the class had an opportunity to experiment with the type on a path. The PEN TOOL in InDesign is very similar to the one in Photoshop and Illustrator. Once you learn to control the curve, it is easier to master to tool.  The more you use the tool, the better you get with it. For help, here are a few videos:

How to Use the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign


Correct Way to Format Type on a Path with InDesign


Homework – Due Monday, 3/7

  • Complete the Type Book – Alignment & Alignment2 assignments.
  • Textbook ReadingType and Color, pgs 80-87. Be prepared to discuss.
  • Online Reading –  Basic Rules of Good Typography. This article will help with to reinforce the concepts we’ve discussed over the last few weeks.

Class 8 – How Text and Paragraphs are Affected by Different Alignments

We took a look at the various formats of text alignments and how text is affected. Here are some the things we noticed:

  • flush left/ragged right – when using this text alignment, we are given a bit of breathing room, or negative space. This makes the page seem less crowded with text and allows places for the eyes to rest. In our culture, we read from left to right, and setting type flush left gives the reader an exact starting place on each line. The reader isn’t slowed down by trying to find the starting place for the next time.
  • flush right/ragged left – when using this text alignment, the reader is slowed down because the eye has to find the starting point of each line. Have the left margin set as ragged means each line will begin at a different location. It is ok to use this very small amounts of type such as for captions, but you wouldn’t use this for large bodies of type.
  • center alignment – not a good choice for large bodies of text. Again, each line of text has a different starting place and this slows down the reading. Poetry and songs often use this alignment.
  • justified alignment – both sides of the type are justified and line up evenly. Because of this, type is pushed out which can cause excess word spacing, which can cause rivers. In order to fix the word and letter spacing problems, each line may need tracking. Another problem that may arise might be too many hyphenated words. InDesign will try to fit as many words on each line as possible but so justified text can also fit more text on a page.

Homework – Due Wed, 3/2

  • Type Book – Type Alignment exercise. You can download the pages of instructions here.
  • Type Book – Type Alignment2. This packet contains the rest of the exercises for alignment, leading, tracking and kerning. Download that file here. Both assignments are due Monday, 3/7.