Category Archives: Letterforms

Class 3 – Relief Printing

reliefprinting3The main project for the class is the relief printing from the letter blocks made in class. One of the goals of this exercise is to help students understand the bounding box, it’s implications in typography and how it affects kerning. Everyone carves at least one letter. Students are encouraged to swap letters to make words. The letters that are carved should be kept to use again over the next few weeks.



Other Topics Covered
  • Journal: Take your best print of a single work, draw in and neatly label at least 10 parts of the type anatomy. Use the handout from last week as a reference. This item will be added to your Journal that has to be submitted at the end of the semester.
  • Complete the reading assignment from the last class, The History of Type and be prepared for class discussion.


Class 1 – Introduction & Letterforms

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to typography, it’s principals, terminology and it’s relationship to the world of graphic design.

During the first class we discussed the history of the letterform and the evolution of the alphabet. You may download the slides from that presentation here.

If you need to replace your syllabus for the semester, you may download a new one at any time from here.

In Class Exercise

As an exercise in using type as a way visualizing words, students were asked to pair up and interview each other. From the information they learned  about their classmate, they created a biographical name tag. The name should be lettered in such a way that it served as a visual description of the person interviewed.

name tags
A few of the name tags done in class.


Homework Assignment
  • Take at least 20 photos of typography or lettering in your neighbor.
  • Write a one page paper (typed and double-spaced) on what that typography tells you about your neighborhood,  and add it to your Journal.
  • Save the photos for a later project.
Additional Resources

Origins of the Alphabet