Lunch time deja vu
By Muhammad Ali
November 17, 2008
the very thought of you warms my heart with smile
i sit down to write a poem yet i cannot rhyme
i am having the deja vu during lunch hours
of days that was so infused with love
even today the very thought of you warms my blood
beats my heart a thousands miles a second
only if you saw the passion in my eyes
the love i have for you will terminate all ill
the love i have for you will lift your wings high
only if you open your heart and see
agony is at my door step
came un-invited
have you got no shame?
the wings are getting heavy
i can’t hold this weight any longer
free my soul
free me from this tornment
only you have the power to
look deep inside…
why you ask? because no one else will love you more than I
close your eyes, in the depth of darkness
open your heart, in depth of rays of light you see in the darkness
set it free… let it be… or hold it tight and never let it go!
playing with food i shall not… lunch break is almost over
deja vu still in my plate… let it be, its okay
had it… have it… i can bear it as long as it makes you happy
and talking of happiness…
i still can not rhyme
food has no thyme
i squeezed in some lime
hmm.. so yum i give it a dime
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