Introduction – Tomas

Hello everyone! My name is Tomas Valentin. I am a sophomore electrical engineering major. I am from Brooklyn, New York. I am half Puerto Rican and half Guyanese. My dad came from Puerto Rico and my mom came from Guyana. I have a passion for investments, having a business and any other ways I can get my money to work for itself. I also have a passion for teaching math. It just feels good to share my knowledge with students that need help in their math classes because I was once that student who struggled in those courses too. Seeing them get better grades and learning the concept is what motivates me to get keep doing it. I also post math videos on my social media during my down time so those that may struggle can find my videos and it can help them learn.

I chose this photo because recently I have been getting into photography! Something about capturing the moment really stood with me because these digital photos will out live me and could bring joy to those in future generations (give them an insight on how it was to live in the 2020’s). Also, I chose this photo because I recently bought a new a car and I really like how this photo came out.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Nice picture! And I have to say, it’s pretty great that you like to teach math and post helpful videos. We need more math teachers, especially good ones who care about the students. Good luck! I hope you find a way to make that love of teaching become part of your career.

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