Jacquelyn Blain

Weaponization of Media – Sabina Uddin

Right now I am trying to figure out a way to organize my article. Like the articles we have been reading I plan to have my hook be a personal experience of me using social media, leading into how media has become a 21st century tool for politics and war . I have made some subheadings and tried to map out where I would use examples from my research annotations. Some problems I have include cutting down on all the ideas I want to include. For example, some ideas I have for subtopics include censorship , misinformation, media bias and mass movements. I could name a couple of specific examples for each subheading but then I feel as if it may become too long or my article would start going off topic. Some field work that I have been doing include looking at interviews with expertsΒ  Peter Singer and Emerson Brooking, going through a history of trending tags on twitter, and surveying student activists on these topics. Some things I am unsure about in terms of my field work include the surveys from student activists. I know they use social media and are aware of the political climate, but I may also want to look at it from someone from the social media/computer side. Perhaps look into statements made by Mark Zuckerberg or how algorithms work.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is also a huge topic. Keep working on it and I’m sure you’ll find the direction/focus you want. You certainly won’t have any problems with length! πŸ˜€ The trick is keeping it to one single idea.

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