Jacquelyn Blain | T-Th 11:30-12:45 | SP20221

Mini-Proposal- Jeanpierre Montano

I intend to write about the pandemic and how it changed the aspect of my life and how I view things in a different matter till today. What we did in class on Thursday really allowed me to see a better perspective and gave me a more general idea. It allowed me to think more about my topic and how this relates to my story. This makes it all mine because stuff that happened during COVID-19 pandemic has affected me in a good/bad way. It allowed me to see change in my own self because of everything that happened and made me to work harder. A photo essay definitely caught my interest because it allows my audience to read along with me but also see with images along the way. This gives them a better understanding. Something that also caught my eye was the podcast I feel that this type of audio recording allows someone to have a good vibe and also tell a story in between all that. So it makes it better for everyone to enjoy especially the person saying the story or talking about something.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Both ways of doing this after terrific, but you do need to pick a specific focus for them, not just a general pandemic is bad kind of vibe :-), but what things happened to you? Make a list, and that might help you a bit. We’ll talk more.

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