
  1. Searched google for “Bills passed in 2019 in NY”
  2. Clicked “”
    1. I clicked this site because it is a government website
    2. Stayed for about 5 mins since I didn’t find any actual information.
    3. I Decided the information was useless because all this page told me was how many votes their were and no actual information about the bill
  3. Searched google for “ new health and reproductive bill in new york”
  4. Clicked “”
    1. I clicked this site because It is an article of the abortion law recently passed
    2. I stayed for about 5 mins
    3. Some information was useful while most was not
  5. Searched google for “New abortion law”
  6. Clicked “”
    1. I clicked this site  because its a fact check website
    2. I stayed for about 10 mins
    3. I found the information useful because it gave a detailed description about what the bill is and the limitations to certain parts


How do you start doing research?

  • Research has 2 steps: (1) ask question (2) find the answer. If you can find the question that you want to solve. That means you’re in the right track. All you have to do is solving this particular question and get published! So if you want to start research. Ask yourself question: what do I find most interesting in this particular field? Then start playing with science.

Has anyone ever told you that you’re not allowed to use Google and/or Wikipedia?

  • Back in the times when I was in high school some of the teachers were telling me to do a project by using my own words, for me was very hard doing it because I didn’t have to much knowledge on the topic that she/he want to talk about, in that case I take a risk and did a research and gather a little bit of information to know what I am going to talk about, also the teacher told us that she would notice if we copy paste from the internet or not, so it was very hard.

Are you more like Susan or Edward?

  • I am more like Susan because I use google information’s/websites but not all of them. I use both idea mines and googles ideas and I combine them and see which one is better.


Search Log:

  • I search on google “the process of making video games” and read the little information box that usually pops up and is posted at the top of the google search results (the information box, from what I know of is mostly linked to Wikipedia ironically).
  • It is always easy to just go into the search bar for google and get the results you need or get closer to the results you need. In my opinion, it is fast and usually a reliable source to get information on the internet.
  • Naturally, after reading the little information box found after a common google search, I clicked the link directly below it that shows where said information came from. It just so happens that this time it was coincidently a Wikipedia search that showed up and gave me the top result of my google search.
  • I stayed and read as much as I needed to see if I can get the answer I wanted from the wiki page. Sure enough, the wiki page gave me exactly what I came for since it explained the different stages of development of a video game and how each process varies.


My Findings

During my time reading that wiki page I found that many different teams help develop and produce video games, but that much was something I already knew. What I did learn though was that there are way more stages to the development of a game than what I had originally thought. First off, there are a lot of steps to take before even developing the game, developers have to worry about secure funding for the game through the pitch and concept of the game to see if said game would be profitable. After funding is secured, production comes next and is obviously the main stage of development for the game. Programming, art, designs, level creation, and audio production all occur during this stage until the game is playable and ready for testing. Everything after that I pretty much knew already, the development team gets feedback from the testers and improve the game into its alpha stage where all major features are present in the game. Then it goes into code freeze where they don’t touch any of the assets or add anything in, they just make bug changes until it hits the beta and they get more feedback from testers. After beta it goes into code release where many bugs are addressed and fixed and then sent to be reviewed by console manufacturers. Gold master is next when the game is completed and is used as a master for production of the game.



Search Log:

  1. Searched “buying a violin” on Google because i’ve always used google and i felt comfortable doing it again knowing id find what i am looking for.
  2. Clicked on “” titled “Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Violin.” because i thought it might give me advice on what i need to look for depending on my needs.
  3. I did not stay on the page long as i only skimmed to look for keywords that would let me know i was on the right page. The page was good but didn’t give me enough information as i was hoping it would.
  4. 4. I went back to google and clicked on “” titled “5 Tips for Buying a Violin” hoping it would be a better link because it would go straight to the point rather than giving me a scenario with a backstory.
  5. 5. I stayed longer on this page as i was right because the page gave me all i needed quicky with accurate information that i would relate to. There was no excess information that i did not need and it got straight to the point.


I start my research by using Google instead of Wikipedia because I believe Google can give you more specific information that you want from a  topic. There are multiple links that you can chose from on Google that can result into multiple different opinions from people that can help you create your own opinion. On Wikipedia on the other hand, uses only one page for one topic and it doesn’t get very detailed on the situation which isn’t very good.


Part 1

1. I start the Research by focusing on the topic such as going on google or heading to the library for books that are subjected with what I am researching as well as researching online.

2. I was told not to use Wikipedia because of the in accurate results on the website. Not everything there is the truth and it can ruin you’re whole research if the information is not true.

3. I am more like Susan because i use several google websites but not all of them and if i consider there is more pros then cons I will argue why one is more reliable than the other.  I also then browse through other websites to coordinate  the same amount of pros and cons i got through my first source so my research can look liable and i can prove what I stated from the start.


I start my research by often searching for the topic on google but not Wikipedia. Google is a search engine that can have many different ways to find what you looking for, in a case where I’m doing a research, I look for articles or any form of facts on the topic I’m searching on. In addition after reading the information I put it into my own words that way I can understand the topic better.

In High school, most of my teachers were so against students using Wikipedia as a valuable source and that any one can change the information it’s giving, so anytime we were doing a research or any project that involved researching information, we had to find other reliable sources on google.

Just like Susan choose google as her search engine to find various information on the topic and it  be hard to pick one source of evidence because there are some other articles/sources on google that may have more information for the research. Therefore, I’m more like Susan because she tend to go with the source that she can make the stronger argument for.


How to start doing research?

I start doing research by looking up the topic that I am doing and read lots of different articles.

I have been told not to use Wikipedia because of the information on that website is not reliable because people can go in and change the information at any time. Another reason is that a lot of people like to copy and paste from Wikipedia.

Research Activity

Topic: Police Brutality

The way how I started my research was seeing what the percentile rank of police brutality was like each year to see how many people are killed by a police officer.

Second I looked up the most recent police brutality case that is ongoing.

Third I looked up to see how much of these officers get indicted for that they do.

The links that I followed was Brutality and Misconduct&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection

What made me hit the first link was because it told me how many black unarmed teenagers were killed by police officers each year and what made me click on the second link was because I had heard about the young man that was shot and killed.

However, I stayed on this page for about ten minutes. And this information was very useful to me because it told me the numbers of unarmed black teenagers that were killed by police officers each year.


First, I am starting to find enough resources of my topic via google and Wikipedia. There are a lot of information so that I can find out the basic information for developing my ideas

Yes. I have really heard that words from many teachers and seniors. At some point, I think if I do not copy whole thing from on Google and Wikipedia, It does not matter.

I think I am more like Susan. When I start to choose my points or thesis, I need to ideas of both of side. I also want to gather information as much as I can. Through those pieces, my thoughts are more clear and organize.


Search Log

Topic : intermittent fasting

I searched google for “Does intermittent fasting effects the health.”



I start doing research by asking classmates’ opinions, and find some information which specific relate to my work on google. After that, I summarize their information with my opinions to create my work.

When I took high school, my history teacher told me that not allowed to use Wikipedia, because its information mostly weren’t accurate, the better choice was books.

I more like Susan, because she research specific topic, and then check the suggestions which appear on google. After that, she looks first 5 selections. her ways save much time for works, and her ways could more quickly find out what she wants to research.

Search Log

  • I started google because I think google’s information more accurate than the wikipedia.
  • I hit this specific link because it located on top, and when I search the topic which about travel, the little information under the link catch my attention, such as save the money.
  • I stayed on a page approximately 10 mins.
  • I will check those information whether or not accurate compare with other site’s information. If most the information are the same, I will choose more specific one.
  • The note: When I click in the website, it showed me which travel tools I want, such as flights, cars and cruises. After I make choice, the site list specific information to me, For example, different kinds of hotels. However, the bad aspect was there isn’t have travel activities, it only provide me the house and travel tools.