Your Prompt

There are two parts to this:

Part 1. Post your research log here. It can be as messy as you want — just think of this as a place to store what you didd.

Part 2. Read McClure’s article, “Googlepedia: Turning Research Behaviors into Research Skills.”

Then respond to this prompt: The activity we did in class is built on this article. What did you learn about doing research — how you do it, how it’s like Susan and/or Edward’s approach, how it feels to be allowed to use Google and Wikipedia this way?

This is category U2 blog post 1 – GOOGLEPEDIA

Discourse Communities

A discourse community is a “group that has goals or purposes, and uses communication to achieve these goals” (John Swales). What does that mean? Like a sports team or a non-profit group or even the skateboarding community, a discourse community:

  1. has a broadly agreed set of common goals.
  2. shares specific values.
  3. has a specialized vocabulary.
  4. uses specific genres to communicate with its members.
  5. has a threshold of knowledge/skill that someone must meet in order to join the discourse community.

In other words, a DC is a group with shared goals, values, skills, language, and ways of communicating.

Of course, that raises a question about exclusion: how does somebody join one? How do its members regulate membership?

Here’s an example of how you might map a discourse community: DC example_1

And here’s how one high school student mapped a web of her own discourse communities: DC web

Literacy Sponsors

Deborah Brandt, in her work on literacy and the workplace, defined the idea of literacy sponsors this way:

“any agent local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy- and gain advantage by it in some way.”

This means our literacy sponsors can be either positive influences on us, or negative ones, or even both. Parents, teachers, classmates, a grandparent, a school environment — anything can have an impact on how we become literate, how we learn to read and write, whether we are comfortable with both, and how we see literacy as part of our everyday and work lives.