A letter to you !

Dear professor,

Before joining this class and learning about writer’s block, literacy sponsors, bad ideas about writing,  I didn’t know how to start writing and how to do brainstorming and how to express myself. I often fail to catch reader’s attention. However,My writing was meaningless and full of incorrect words.

As an immigrant to USA, I had no idea about specific rules of writing. By taking this class with you, It helps me to understand that writing should be simple, accurate and grammatically correct to catch reader’s attention .

Throughout the whole semester learning about genres helps me to choose a topic, knowing about googlepedia helps me to do brainstorming and writer’s block helps me to find out what is blocking me to write is limited vocabulary. I should increase my knowledge of vocabularies and  make my writing interesting to hold reader’s attention and also need to work on my grammar. I have to practice a lot on my writing and there are lot of things I need to adopt and learn eventually. I believe there is no limit of learning so I’ll keep learning throughout my whole life.

Moreover,The memories of this writing class is a wonderful journey with you. At the end, I realize that how beautifully you change the way of my writing and help me to discover myself as a writer. You put stairs for us to reach the main goal of this class which is essay writing and truly in future it will help me a lot as a base of my professional writing.


Nazwa Munia

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