Writing here and there and everywhere

Time Capsule – Valentina

So I am writing this time capsule letter to show my future self what it is I struggled with and to compare whether I surpassed it or if I am still struggling. To be honest, college in the beginning is difficult. I opened my email and all of these assignments just started filling up on my phone. Countless of syllabuses, many introductions to my classes and just numberless of homework. Now, this is nothing new to me of course, however there’s these new sites I have to attend and join. If I had a dollar for every time I put my email in to login I would be rich. To my end-of-the-semester self, I want you you reach for the stars-corny I know and I want you to look at your work and thinking/saying to yourself out loud, “I did it!”. Writing has always been a struggle for me whether it’d be speaking or writing, there was always something for me that just didn’t sit right on my chest. Felt like a burden I had to carry since ever. At times when I’d complete work, I’d feel insecure. Thinking to myself, “Did I do this right?”, “Is she/he going to enjoy my work?”, “Is it the writing to child-like?”.  These doubts would drag me down as if I jumped into the ocean with a heavy concrete block chained to my ankle, dragging me down to a pit of darkness.

An actual representation of how I feel:

But these fears, these struggles weighing me down, is something I’m trying to throw all away. Tossing them to the side as I look back and realize what a meaningful fear. But, I will never forget that, that fear was the start of all and the spark of my growth. Growth. So with that being said, future me, I want you to give it all. Stay on task, beat these remote learning stereotype comments. Don’t lack, don’t fall behind and always, always look back on OpenLab dashboard and check up on the class assignments that this amazing professor sends out! Be comfortable with your work.

Lastly, I want you to realize the mistake people point out on your writing and challenge yourself in eliminating any mistake points.

Xoxo, your past self from the beginning of the semester.


  1. Ria Arora

    This is so lovely!!

  2. Jason Chen

    In your Time Capsule, you mentioned feeling a burden causing you to feel insecure. While I haven’t felt that type of self-doubt, I’ve occasionally put myself down and believe that I’ve done the worst out of everyone else. Eventually though, I felt familiar with this habit and just accepted it, believing that the judgement of others do not matter. As long as you put in the effort, your work is of some value in the very least.

    Sorry for rambling on for so long for anyone reading this. 😛

  3. Jason Chen

    In your Time Capsule, you mentioned feeling a burden causing you to feel insecure. While I haven’t felt that type of self-doubt, I’ve occasionally put myself down and believe that I’ve done the worst out of everyone else. Eventually though, I felt familiar with this habit and just accepted it, believing that the judgement of others do not matter. As long as you put in the effort, your work is of some value in the very least.

    Sorry for rambling on for so long for anyone reading this. 😛

  4. Jason Chen

    Don’t know why but the comment got posted twice

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