Write Out Loud!


  1. Mechanical engineer

WHO: Who are labeled as Mechanical engineers

WHAT: What are their jobs as Mechanical engineers

WHERE: Where are Mechanical engineers found through their work shifts

WHY: Why are Mechanical engineers

HOW: How would society work if Mechanical engineers weren’t visible

2. Evolution of Video games

Who: Who are video games attracted to looking at it from a demographic point of view

What: What have video games done for people

Where: Where are video games designed and tested before launching it

Why: Why video games are important for education purposes

How: How has the evolution of video games shaped our society

Why I’m interested in these topics is one Mech engineer is my major and I always wanted to build machines and use parts something to be crafty with and video games because ever since I was little I grew up with different types of games and the evolution of them evolving throughout time has a lot of good memories up till now. I prefer evolution of gaming because what ceased to once satisfy us before has a different point of view from gaming today.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Those are both interesting. I think a talk about the evolution of gaming would be fascinating, especially from the perspective you mentioned about how audience satisfaction has changed over time.

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