Fetching SNPs


Lab 2: Digestion and Identification

Trait Associations for DS markers and Allele Sizes

SNPs detected with dCAPS primers are summarized in the table.

Uncut Allele Cut Allele
DS# Enzyme SNP Trait Associations Allele Size Allele Size
1 BamHI C/T C – Low Weight, Short height T 162 C 142
3 EcoRI C/T A – Low Snout ratio T 152 C 129
5 PstI G/A A – High Weight, Tall height A 134 G 114
7 SalI C/T T – Low Weight T 186 G 166

General Digestion

Volume Master Mix Solution
7 μl PCR product
1 μl 4 samples + 1 Enzyme
2 μl 4 samples + 1(2 μl) dH2O
    1. Prepare master mixes for digestions
    2. Incubate samples at 37°C for 30 minutes (10 minutes if using Fast Digest enzyme)
    3. Run samples on 2.5% TBE gel
    4. Visualize Gel and enter data in table below
Positive Control








SNP Exp Obs Exp Obs Bands present Genotype Bands present Genotype
DS1 142 162
DS3 129 152
DS5 114 134
DS7 166 186

Review the photo library of dogs and use the dCAPS to forensically identify the dogs.

Adapted from

  • Hultman, Keith and Mellgren, Eve (2014). Fetching SNPs: A Dog Genotyping Laboratory for Undergraduate Biology. Genetics Society of America Peer-Reviewed Education Portal (GSA PREP): 2014.001; doi: 10.1534/gsaprep.2014.001