Proposal draft 1 4/26/15

Whats going on everybody sadly i missed class today, but luckily Surge’s notes have led me here to write my proposal for Project 2. I thought i knew what i wanted to to do my project number 2 on, but after my meeting with professor Belli this week i had some things to reconsider. After extensive thought i have decided to do my project 2 on lighting because i actually hope to work on a film set one day working with lighting . To be more specific im going to be researching lighting in certain science fiction films. I feel like lighting is such an important part of film and most people don’t realize how important it really is. Lighting is what sets the tone for a scene or most of the time the overall tone of the film.

with that being said let me explain some of the things im going to research and focus on with this project. I have chosen three science fiction movies i will look at and they are Star wars (Maybe just a New Hope, but i feel like its going to be the original trilogy), Alien (just the first one) and 2001 a space odyssey. I’m going to look at the overall tone of these films based on lighting and what that says about them and then compare them. Also im going to look at certain scenes from the films and look at the tone of those as well, but im also going to look at if the lighting based on a certain scenes symbolizes something or has a certain theme to it. I’m going to be looking for similar lighting and themes in these films and also contrast as well and try to find out why they might be similar or different. This is basically what i will be doing for project 2, i hope everyone understands where im going with this and hopefully some what interested, i can’t wait to present my findings.

Do not believe the propaganda! (Class Notes 4/23)

DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES! I did not suggest presenting in front of the class; professor Belli’s words were an attempt to turn the masses against me!!!!!!!!! I hate any space that is within a 4 foot radius of the chalkboard (the front of the class).


Your Ideas for project 2 are due by tomorrow and must be labeled as proposal. The information you provide Professor Belli should outline the initial stages of your project and it has to incorporate basic research (google and wikipedia are ok). Make sure to include what purpose your project serves and idea of what kind of research your project would require. Your proposals should be no less than 2 paragraphs. The topic you choose must be something you want to learn about. Professor Belli will provide specific guidelines depending on the kind of project you choose. Be aware that the final product will consist of four parts: a written portion, component, presentation, and a write up. If you want to be among the first presenters, tell professor Belli.

You can ignore anything beyond this point if you so choose.

Class began with a forced change: Professor Belli made everyone sit in a different location. Perhaps she wanted to show us what it feels like to be controlled, much like Connie in the novel. After all, in class the only thing we can control is where we sit, other than that what we read/discuss is up to the professor. Our only sense of control was taken just like Connie; I can now officially sympathize with the character.

After the seating controversy of 15′ Professor Belli paired the class off into pairs, because groups of three or more means someone isn’t talking. The pairs were given 7 topics to discuss: progress, freedom/individuality, cyborg, gender, control→emotions, doubling, and alternate future. After discussing in pairs there was a class discussion about the topics we were assigned, and the following discussion (WHICH I PARAPHRASED….. A LOT) ensued………….

Joel– In the future society there are huts and farming yet their civilization is highly advance, especially their technology, compared to the present which has advanced architecture, but not technology.

Chris– Luciente’s progress  as a character can be seen in the way she deals that with the conflict between her and Bolivar. At the meeting with Parra, the two characters are forced to confront each other. Pg220

Belli– You would think that their are no problems, but in fact there are. When you change circumstances and environments people change. Are people inherently good or bad?

Carl– Connie is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Madness is a coping mechanism; she connects with people and her delusions as an escape. There is a connection between Dolly on speed and Connie’s madness (273).

Belli– What does it mean to be cuckoo? There are connections to androids dream seen through the way that the sub-humans of those respective societies are treated. What is the proper response to “crappy circumstances”? Isn’t Connie actually responding in a sane way to these traumatic events? Are drugs good or bad?

Randy– Are Connie’s responses comparable to the flight, fight, or freeze response, that someone would have if they are about to be punched in the face?

Danny– Can’t the doctors also be seen as crazy?

Belli– Connie has no freedom; her only freedom is within her own mind, and now she is even going to lose that. Who gets to decide/control?

Leo (the man with the Metallica shirt \m/)– She feels imprisoned which is why she sees the future as a vacation (198). She needs to have some escape.

Eugene– Are we also question the reality of this world?

Carl– Connie wishes someone would help, but instead has to fall into female stereotypes (186)

Belli– Connie and the other inmates have to fall into gender stereotypes that the ward want them to. Future is meant to show what people could be if they had different opportunities.

Andrew– Limitations of what can be imagined.

Randy– The people of the future were born in test tubes; they were not birthed ina  natural way. So then couldn’t they be considered cyborgs?

Andrew– If everyone is birthed through machines despite lots of sexual activity, are the people of the future sterile?

Belli– Where did the motivation for ending female pregnancy come from? Females are held back by biological truths; therefore, it is an equalizing thing (97).

Randy– The word mother is still used; the concept is preserved.

Belli– The society wants to create a sense of equilibrium, but then why not make it so men have the ability to give birth?

Chris– No breasts, no ovaries.

Eugene– Why not get rid of gender overall?

Andrew– Sex is valued in the future society, and it provides a sense of enjoyment.

Belli– Project idea: how would you re-imagine genders, basically a utopia exercise.

Andrew– Third genders exist in some cultures.

Belli– What does consent mean?

The conversation ended there. Fun words mentioned…

Telos- A definitive end

Andros- Greek for man

Gyne/Gyno- Greek for woman

Quorum- You need a majority to vote.

Don’t forget to finish the novel guys, and rock the vote. The next blog will be the last one, from here on out the focus will be on project 2.


On a different note…

This has nothing to do with Woman on the Edge of Time, but it is related to another “text” we explored in class.

I did a portrait illustration of a familiar character in a familiar scene, although with some “additions” that weren’t in the original work to give the piece some extra depth.

Check it out here. Feedback/discussion appreciated 🙂

Your language is like the rest of you, out of the gutter!

Title has nothing to do with what I’m writing about, I just liked that line.

So the book goes on and we learn more about Luciente’s utopian society, and it’s interesting to contrast it to Connie’s time and our own. During Connie’s conversation with the character Parra, we learn that rape is seen in this society as cannibalism (201). Today cannibalism is seen as barbaric, repulsive, something only the vilest of individuals, possibly with a mental disorder, could commit. Even though nowadays rape is obviously a serious crime, it seems so pervasive in our society, with issues such as date-rape and slut-shaming used as excuses to justify it.

While on a walk with Luciente, we get a lot of exposition regarding the way they manage waste in the future. Everything is reused and recycled, evidenced as when Connie asks Luciente if they throw anything away, she just replies “Thrown away where? The world is round” (234). We also learn that in the future everyone works equally, no one profession is more important than another (261). That way there isn’t any one “class” or profession that can consider themselves superior. This is in contrast to Connie’s time, where scientists such as Dr. Redding look down on Connie and the other patients as just guinea pigs for his experiments.

The enemy that have only been briefly mentioned before are now described as being androids, robots, cybernauts and partially automated humans (261). This leads me to believe that while Luciente’s society exists in the future, they are actually in combat with what could be thought of as the descendants our actual present civilization. The reason behind this thought is that there is a part of humanity that decided to change their ways, embrace the Earth and one another and became Luciente’s people, and then there is the part that kept on depending on technology and machines (us), that are on their way to destroying the planet with pollution. Evidence for this can be seen when Luciente tells Connie:

Once they ran this whole world, they had power as no one… and riches drained from everywhere. Now they have the power to exterminate us, and we to exterminate them.

As far as Connie developing as a character, we learn that for some reason catchers from the past are usually females in hospitals or prison (188). After Connie has a dream where she fantasizes about her becoming a mother in the future, Luciente points out that romance, sex, birth and children are all Connie thinks about, however those things are not women’s business anymore in her society, but everybody’s (245). It’s interesting to see that these are the feelings and the things that Connie holds on to the most, that make her feel complete; however, Luciente tells her that in her time “dignity comes from work”.

Finally, we have Connie dealing with the anxiety stemming from her being recaptured and brought back to the hospital and the impending experimental surgery that awaits her. Even though Luciente tries to encourage her with words, Connie points out that Luciente doesn’t understand what it is for others to have control over her life (257). Since she was born, Luciente has been free from any kind of control from someone “superior” to her, since in her society everyone is treated as equals, whereas in Connie’s world people she disliked held power over her, power to run her life or wipe it out.

I don’t know where the story is heading from this point. With the brain surgery performed on her, will she lose her ability as a “catcher”? Dun, dun, DUN…

Evil In Disguise

The book is finally getting interesting. We vaguely learn why it is that the people of the future are contacting people from the past. According to them, their world, the future they live in, is in danger. They don’t explicitly state this, but they imply that there are several realities fighting for existence and they want their world to come true.

“at certain cruxes of history . . . forces are in conflict. Technology is imbalanced. Too few have too much power. Alternate futures are equally or almost equally probable . . . and that affects the . . . shape of time.” (Piercy, 189)


It leaves one wondering why would they contact someone like Connie. A person in a mental institution who has no power, even over herself. When Connie asks about other people from the present that they have contacted they mention That they have mostly consisted of women and women in correction facilities/ mental institutions (Piercy, 188). While Connie was not in a mental institution when she was first contacted it shows that these people need to be in some kind of mental state in order to receive contact from those in the future. It could be that they must be weak minded, or possibly have gone through great turmoils in their life as evident by Connie’s history.

You would think that this leaves their options limited in who they can contact, but they state that they have been trying to contact people who are at the bottom of society.

“The powerful don’t make revolutions” (Piercy 190)

They can’t directly interfere with the past, but they can influence people to take action to fight against those that control them, before they gain too much control.

Once Connie mentions what the doctors had done to Alice they reveal some more information. Apparently the actions of these doctors are the first steps to the world that they wish to avoid. They want to avoid the power that control of the masses will grant to the few. Before hand the doctors work was a miscellaneous background detail, something that was not central to the story. This revelation puts the doctors research as a focal point for the entire story. While Connie is unable to actually change anything directly, what the doctors accomplish with these patients is important to the future.

After Connie’s operation we are more clearly able to see just how evil their work is for the common person. Connie becomes a vegetable unable to do anything for herself and not wanting to do anything. she is kept alive by the actions of those around her and it seems that the doctors don’t care about what they did to her as they proceed forward with plans to perform a similar operation to Alice. Skip was another one of their victims and while he did not become a mindless robot, he lost what made him Skip as noticed by Connie (Piercy, 264). This change is seen as a positive outcome by the doctors even allowing him to go home to visit his parents. What they could not see was that this change destroyed Chip, allowing him to kill himself. The death of a patient who they were trying to improve should be a deterrent to future experiments, but these doctors only see these people as experiments and Chip was a failed experiment. The work of the doctors is not to the benefit of the patients.

(Im aware this is late, but better late than never.)

You are the chosen one Connie.

So we finally see the true purpose of why Luciente and the gang of misfits are pulling connie from the past. Neat idea, actually has me interested to be honest. But thats assuming I can get though tons of exposition. I think that’s what ultimately makes this book hard. Having to analyze a story that gives you everything in your face, emotions, thoughts, settings. It forces us to dig deeper into it, and makes us pull out things that we dislike instead. Connie put it perfectly, “Dolly, takeoff the shades. I can’t see your expression. It’s like talking to a wall” (210).

Anyways I digress. What I”m going to talk about is probably pulling stuff from thin air but Piercy was directly showing the difference between the past and the present. Probably its something she has been showing all along, but let me explain. Between both timelines the sense of control and where it lies was expressed. With the central conflict with what Barbarosa believes is the problem is the technology. “Per” believes its all in the hands of the very few. (189) Something that completely does not bother me. Its a valid argument where we begin to learn why Connie is being pulled from the past. But Connie seems to interject and add that she does like like him because hes a man. This is probably the most direct the author has been with us in stating that Connie outright dislikes men in power.

Ger dislike in men actually gains validity when Dr. Redding and his gang of doctors come into the picture. I’m not sure if its the way Peircy worded it but they are depicted as a stern men where the female nurses are semi-afraid of him. “They looked at Valente blankly” (194). They just stared at her as if she was nothing.

Sadly we go into the future we again learn how the men and all their maliciousness have been proven to be invalid and non existent anymore.

Poor Connie

As I read the troubles that Connie faces I begin to wonder if the hospital described in the book isn’t to different from an actual mental clinic. “She Had Remained sure that somewhere in what they called a hospital was someone who cared, someone with answers, someone who would tell her what was wrong with her and mold her a better life.” (pg. 186) In older post I felt that the class felt that this story was just dragging the life of this poor woman down but the thing is this is a real problem. Me as the reader begins to feel that her so called future visions of Luciente may simply be an escape protocol to cope with the overall concept that her current life is shit.

The character Dolly is a reflection of hope that connects Connie to reality. As the Continue to describe the life of the hospital I realize that Connie continues to grip onto the thought Dolly will help her. “Skip I can’t pay you back yet. My niece didn’t come Sunday. But she’s coming next weekend.”  I felt sad to know that her only hope was her Pimp abused niece who gt her stuck in the first place and on top of that Her own brother feels he has the right to sign away her freedom to the Ward. I can’t help but feel sorry for this woman again on page 198 as she talks to Alice she hopes that Dolly comes for her soon.  To my surprise Dolly does visit 22 pounds lighter and hopped up on speed to the point that she forgets sentences she just said.

The Control that Connies brother Luis has over her life is a depressing/ painful part of the story.. On Page 214 we find out that Luis is the one that signed Connie into the clinic. Dolly explains that He also has taken her things and placed it into storage and also felt he had the right to throw out some of her things. Prior to this we also find out that it is him who signed her up to be sent to a ward in NYNPI where Dolly says that He recommended the doctors. Connie who is frantically trying to explain how the effects of being in the hospital leaves people like the character Alice. Her pleads are ignored as Dolly in a good mood simply tries to see the bright side as Connie suffers.



No coffee in the future? (First World Problems)

When I commented on a post on a different section, I mentioned a comparison to someone’s analysis of urban planing in the future world of the story and the MoMa exhibit we saw a while back. How planning for overpopulation was, at the time, irrelevant to our class but now there’s more of a connection to Sci Fi and the exhibit that I began to notice again in the book. “Imagine the plantation system, people starving while big fincas owned by foreigners grew for wealthy countries as cash crops a liquid without food value, bad for kidneys, hearts, if drunk in excess” (187). This Utopian future has made sure to not make waste of their resources, planned out rations and methods to sustain a stable future an urban planning, just as I had mentioned in a different section of the book. “To plant beans correctly is important . To smoke fish so it doesn’t rot. To store food in vacuum” (188). This is Bee responding to Dawn’s view on what is more important, Dawn thinks that the past is more important. Bee’s response shows us that food and urban planning is more important in the future for it to continue growing.

I’m still under the assumption that Connie is not an actual time traveler, I feel her “traveling” to the future is a way to cope with her harsh reality that she is living through. “I may not continue to exist if I don’t check back…What good can I do? Who could have less power? I’m a prisoner. A patient. I can’t even carry a book of matches or keep my own money. You picked the wrong savior!” (190). This is Connie just putting herself down after Luciente explains to her why she was picked and chosen to travel to the future. Notice how Connie expresses the helplessness she feels from being in the hospital in her current time period, she uses the word prisoner as to express what she really feels like instead of a patient. But in the future she is free from the reality that she was originally in, she even calls it a vacation from the hospital. “Why are you contacting us? You said I’d understand but I forgot to think about it. It’s kind of a vacation from the hospital” (188). I am also used to the more typical ways of time travel, not traveling with the mind like Connie does, which is another reason why I think this is all just in her head. “How easily it had become to slip over to Mattapoisett. She did not return exhausted. As if her mind had developed muscles, she could easily draw Luciente, she could leap in and out of Luciente’s time” (186). Not a convincing form of time travel for me.


Soooooo i was right 🙂 about the whole connie building herself different futures, and to be honest i was taken back, cause i thought i was going to far into a “multiverse theory” but yeah, Piercy does that and its awesome. when she meets Parra (pierc, 199), a version of herself where she seemingly made better life choices and became the woman she told her mother she would become, shows up, further helping my point that this could be true, but then theres the whole being drugged aspect of it, giving it an element of dilusion, I.E. it might not be happening and she could be making the whole thing up. but i dont believe that at all, mainly cause i Really like Connie and i want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she has been exposed to time travel, she can see alternate versions of herself, and shes not crazy. yeah i could nit pick this but why, im here for the story. to go back to the multiverse thing though, heres were it gets tricky. Bee states that they have to fight to exist and thats why they came to connie (Piercy, 190), yet at the same time its “eluded” to the reader that this may all be a delusion. and none of these people might even exist. and then before Luciente says to her “were struggling to exist”, which would illicit that theyre existence in the future is in jeopardy. but why reach out to connie? what does she have to do with it all? heres where i think the theory comes into play, (maybe im wrong but w/e) because Connie is obviously some sort of conduit connecting two different timelines together, and based on the readings of her personas, people that share striking resemblance to other people, and all the craziness in general, its not that hard to get behind the idea that Connie is a catalyst for the future, like how the future would be shaped. She doesnt appear to be playing a huge role, i know, but thats the thing, you dont have to play a huge role to have some effect on the future. as of yet weve seen her been hospitalized, drugged, on the run and survived, all the means of preparation or revolution for something in my eyes that she will be faced with at some point in time, that will have outstanding repercussions on the future, thats my thoughts on that.

One more thing, about being a connection between two futures, it would seem that she can “jump” through them through her dreams, pretty standard time travel MO. it futher implies that this future might be real, but it keeps you second guessing yourself the whole time. I dont know about you, but im gettign more and more into this book.

This is not blind hate/Everyone has their own interpretation

I am going to start off this post by talking about the ending as it finally makes you question the future. After Connie is given the operation that has left both Alice and Skip in a catatonic state, the chapter lacks any talk of the future. Now, to some this would seem like the proof needed to prove Connie’s madness; however, looking at this from outside the context of the book, it seems like Piercy is going for the age old misdirection. Piercy wants the reader to feel that Connie’s madness has been proven only to show us it was real all along. As of right now this is where I see the book going, but on to analysis rather than speculation.

Marge Piercy’s atrocious feminist writing continues to rear it’s ugly head, but let me talk about something positive first. The reader finally gets to see Connie as a strong female character. Throughout chapter twelve the reader is treated to Connie not only hatching an escape plan, but succeeding at it as well. Although this chapter is over saturated with characters like the others, this is one of the only chapters that has a strong focus on Connie. Finally the reader is shown her strength by demonstrating it rather than by being surrounded by evil men. Seeing Connie struggle to get away from the facility by enduring swollen feet, and hunger, all while showing off her intelligence by staying as by being cautious of cars depending on their speed and scouting out the diner she should eat it. All of that is just what the reader is shown at face value and it’s good stuff, but on to digging deeper and seeing the rule point of this chapter.

I realize that the time in which the book was written was a harder time for women, I really do. People, however, have to take into account that we live in a different society than people who were around in the 80’s; some books just age horribly, and Woman On The Edge Of Time is no exception. Women in our time are not treated as they were in the 70’s, so a book of this caliber is only destructive to our society. It simply enforces a perpetual blind hate that feminists have towards men. Men are not out to get women. Yes, misogyny still exists, but it is not valued in our society; furthermore, just as their are men that believe women have their place, there are women that believe the same of men. I know that was not digging into the text of the book but it had to be explained before I can get to the examples of the annoying feminist writing.

Shall we start on the chapter that Connie showed us her strength? So, how does Connie end up back at the ward after escaping? A man. Not only was it not good enough for Piercy to have Connie sent back to her ‘demise’ by a man, but a man looking at porn, AND not only was that man looking at porn, but it seems he was looking at BDSM PORN: “On the cover two naked women embraced while a man about eight feet tall dressed all in black leather cracked a whip around them (250).” Let’s dive into this and analyze what Piercy is oh so subtly trying to tell the reader: 1. Women are just sexual objects to men. 2. Women should be submissive men. 3. Men should control women through violent means. 4. Men will always tower over women; women have no power. Additionally, at the beginning of chapter 12 Connie talks about how people only pay attention to the way one dresses (232). The reason Connie chooses to take a dress, rather than something practical, when she escapes is because the only way she can be considered normal and blend in is by playing the role given to her by man.

The first character to go through the new round of treatment that the doctors were using was Alice. After the surgery Alice basically becomes a puppet of the male doctors; they can control her anger and make her obedient (196-197). Skip also goes through the same treatment, but his procedure was not shown, nor did it leave him catatonic as it did Alice. This is another way Piercy shows how men force women into obedience and their need to be able to control women. The male need to control women is also shown when Connie talks about how her sister Inez was given a placebo rather than birth control by a doctor (269). The doctor giving Inez a placebo is meant to symbolize how men believe women are suppose to fall into the stereotypical role of mother/housewife.

I could go on with more examples, but I won’t. I know my posts only focus on the feminist writing, but nothing is fully developed. For example, at one point Connie talks to Luciente about how the judicial system works in the future (201-202), but it only lasts a total of two pages; furthermore, when it is brought up it is completely out of nowhere, and it is never mentioned again, so the conversation was pointless. It is a absolute shame because the themes brought up are interesting and could have served as an interesting social commentary, but alas Piercy’s writing is incapable of taking these ideas any where. “What about rape and murder and beating somebody up? We’re trained in self-defense. We’re trained to respect eachother (201).” Really Piercy? Rape doesn’t exist because people were taught self-defense and respect? What a childish view. If this book is suppose to have an impact on society, why is the reader constantly shown a word that could never be seen as a reality? It is because of moments such as that one that I feel the book has no other value other than being a feminist book.