That Cliché Though (Among Other Things)

Yes, yes. What a way to end a book with the most overused cliché of our time; that it was all a delusion set in the main character’s mind. Since the beginning I kind of sort of had an inkling that the main character, Connie, had schizophrenia. And in order to escape what she had done to herself in her past life, in order to make it seem (in herself) that she was right and everyone else was wrong, she created this illusion of Luciente and this entire future (without herself truly knowing this) in the confines of her mind in order to make herself to move on with her life. If that makes any sense at all. Well, it makes sense in my head.

But moving back to these last six chapters, we first enter into a world that is the opposite of Luciente’s future, which can be found mainly on page 284 or so. This is what terrifies Connie; the very thought of not staying the course, which will render Luciente and everyone that she has come to know and love in Matt… Mitt… Massapot… oh god damn it, future-Massachusetts, inexistent. Since she doesn’t know what she is seeing is real or not real (which is the very definition of schizophrenia), she stays on her course of action, which is doing whatever possible to achieving Luciente’s future. Because apparently, it’s all “war” to Connie.

Oh, and how about those characters? These are the chapters in where we finally get to see Connie’s present family and to finally conclude something that we have probably all known since the beginning of the book: they’re a bunch of assholes. We meet Luis, Lewis, damn what is his real name? I have never met a brother that is such a total douchebag to his sister, and not have the ability to sign off and let Connie out of a mental institution, which is practically jail, and take care of her himself. Seriously what kind of a world is this place, this is the same Earth we live in today? Eh, probably true. Then we have Dolly, who is still a jerk and a doped up prostitute, who still can’t seem to remember anything she says five seconds ago. Oh, and then there is Adele, Luis-Lewis’ wife, which in no way is related to the singer, because she is also a jerk. Doesn’t she know that Connie has been in a mental institution for quite a while? And she really cares more about a couple of plates? And how fast Connie can clean up? Wow, what kind of family is this?

Alright, hey, hey, going a little off topic there, but overall, the ending was alright. Schizophrenia or not, she was a brave woman, and she fought for what she thought (or didn’t think?) what was right, and for anyone, that takes some serious cojones.

So as for a final rating of the novel, I’d give it a 7/10. I think that’s fair. Some parts were great, some parts were “eh”, and some parts were downright “wtf”. 7/10 then.

2 thoughts on “That Cliché Though (Among Other Things)

  1. I think one of the interesting things that kind of gets passed over because of all the other stuff going on is her nephew Bob. At the dinner table, he is the only one who she finds a kinship with. Now i see this in two ways. Either the kid is also Schizophrenic, and here we see how a male gets away with it, or they share a child-like innocence.

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