Final Draft for ‘Signed Off’ Project

As we near the final turn for this project I have been able to tackle the write up component. Linked below is where it can be found. I hope you find it interesting. Feedback is always welcomed.



Signed off is a final project experiment which subjugates Mariah Rajah to undergo the task of completely disconnecting herself from all social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. This experiment hopes to track through daily blog posts how the disconnect affects attention, participation, and psychological structures. With the support of research material Mariah Rajah hopes to prove how that  social networking sites are a large contributor to the decline in generation Z’s cognitive ability to process and find information, to part take in face-to-face contact, as well as their need for instant gratification in all aspects of life.


• Signed off Project Page • Project Proposal Signed off Digital Diary  • Project Presentation • Project Reflection

Final Project Draft


In a exploration of the photoblog Humans of New York (HONY), a blog by photographer Brandon Stanton. The photoblog provides a unique way to share stories via social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Blog. The photoblog introduces viewers to various stories that explore issues such a sexism, freedom and loss just to name a few. This new platform of that shares stories has changed photojournalism. The purpose of the project is to identify the best practices that HONY uses and try a create an image using their best practices. The success of the project will be determined by how many likes, share, user engagement the image receives across various social media sites.

My Write Up, Reflection and Presentation are located on my ePortfolio profile.


Here are the links to my personal Social Media Sites that I used for the purpose of the project:

InstagramFacebook, Twitter, my WordPress personal blog Black Attire Aficionado .

Here are the links to Humans of New York social media sites that I used for the purpose of the project:

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the website Humans of New York.

Final Project – DRAFT


Twitter is a fast paced multi functional platform that allows users to share content rapidly. Through my engagement experiment I aimed to see if an average user could increase their analytics by applying commonly regarded strategies for building an online presence. Combining several of these strategies over a four week period I will track my engagement week by week in charts, screen grabs and progress reports. At the end of the experiment I hope to be able to decipher if these strategies are practical or not and if the time in which they are applied makes a difference. Some of the activities I will engage in will be, hashtagging, content sharing and experimenting with third party apps.

My Write up, Reflection and Presentation can all be found on my e-portfolio. My twitter profile is available here.