Are curls slowly taking over the blogosphere?

At one point writing and talking about natural hair wasn’t as popular. What once was a small section of Youtube has evolved into a community of people dedicated to helping others understand what’s growing out of their heads. The transparency that is created and upheld by bloggers and members of this discourse community make understanding and participating easy for everyone. Two blogs in particular that are Naptural 85 and Mo Knows Hair. With the influx of naturals that are coming into their curls and sharing pieces of this personal journey, the room for growth is endless.

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Newspaper to News Blog

This blog is about how news reporting and viewing has changed since the evolution of digital media. The number of people getting their news from blog instead of the traditional mediums of newspapers and radios has drastically declined.  In comparison, the number of people who turn to news blogs to discover facts, views, and perspectives on stories is on an upward trend.  In this blog, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of getting the news though digital media. I hope to make the point that the news is just as important as it always was but now we can have more of a connection to it.

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A Look At Millennial Discourse Communities

The assignment was to write a review about a few strengths and weakness I discovered through researching different genre of blogs. To my surprise, I discovered a prominent theme through all the blogs I found and it was this. There has been a mass marketing strategy towards the millennial generations (Gen-Y) because they are seen as profitable consumers of technology, food, and so on. Many millennials, myself included, are trying to find a niche in a discourse community. A few turn to creating a personal blog, others expand to broader blogs like Elite Daily, while others navigate to find a community. My presentation will explore three blogs that I believe can help pioneer the millennial discourse community and inspire other millennials to connect to the community. It is my contention that the millennial population are surprisingly progressive from previous generations and it is important to cultivate an ecosystem for them to share their ideas. 

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The Non-Shady Post About a Shady Blog.

This presentation is a quick introduction into “The Shade Room” blog. The blog offers readers quick insiders to the hottest celebrity news, fashion tips, and unraveling social issues. This blog unlike others such as “Entertainment tonight”, “Access Hollywood” , or even “TMZ” is designed in a way that specifically understands its audience and targets them in a way that has made the blog a huge success.


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Blog Presentation- HONY

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In today’s world there are few things we don’t find online, news articles, weather forecasts and even banking. However with the influx of information available to us we don’t often get to see a human side to blogging. Humans of New York was created in 2010 and have grown into a global phenomenon garnishing millions of followers. The author has managed to incorporate current social happenings with a date, time and individual. The stories featured on the blog range from pulling at your heart strings to making you laugh but all the while giving a virtual voice to users who otherwise would go unnoticed.