E-Portfolio Revamping

While it is still a work in progress, my attempt to revamp my ePortfolio was successful. I like having the ability to control the aspects of the ePortfolio specifically what to share and how to organize it, and with help from the lab, I was able to change the theme and customize some of the headings. I wanted to have a welcome address as the first thing seen so I created a welcome message on the home page. I also created a mission statement, reflecting my ethics and personality, which I added as a tab. Other tabs I added are a blog tab and a course tab. Under the course tab heading, I added two my two writing courses.

The theme I chose is Twenty Eleven: 2.1. I like that it comes with a showcase page template that I intend to upload my own images to in the future. Under courses I have added ENG 2700 and ENG 2720, each having assignments tags. I intend to post selected assignments under the headings. Under the career heading I have added blogs resume and accomplishments. I intend to add my professional accomplishments in this section. I also changed the color of the welcome address text to blue and intend to experiment more with color. Unfortunately, I found out that I cannot change the font style or size.

Although I gained a lot of helpful tips to make my ePortfolio more interesting and look more professional, I am still far from satisfied with the content and appearance. Part of the problem is that I do not have a full concept at this time. It will take time to explore design, develop concepts, and that added that, the learning curve.

Nevertheless, I am looking forward to spending time working on my ePortfolio because I know the importance of having a quick representation ready to go if there is a job potential. Also, through commenting and blogging, it’s another way for to communicate with others through discourse and writing interaction.



2 thoughts on “E-Portfolio Revamping

  1. Thanks for this reflection Pam. I like how you describe some of the content and organizational choices you made on this blog (the “mission station” sounds particularly interesting!), and I look forward to your discussing these choices in class tomorrow.

    Can you talk a bit about the design / backend choices you made, even if they are still exploratory at this point (pending your project’s development)? What themes did you browse through? What plugins did you check out (what additional functionality did you find useful)? Please revise this post to include that information, as you’ll be presenting on that in class tomorrow as well.

  2. Update: Due the technical difficulties, I changed my theme to Twenty Thirteen so that I could add a list of pages widget and text widget. I also activated my plugin Prezi WP and will format the link to embed a video onto my page.

    Correction: “tab” should be replaced with “page” in the above post.

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