Meeting Agenda 3—Tony, Samson, Goutam

Meeting Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014

Start time: 6:00 pm

End time: 7:00pm

Location: Skype Chat

Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  Class presentation and first draft of the final report of the project


6:00 to 6:10                 Our presentation in class and other group presentation

6:10 to 6:20                 Assigned works for group members to complete

6:20 to 6:25                 Ideas on how to start writing the final report

6:25 to 7:00                 Put together the information we have done so for on the project.

Next meeting date: Friday, December 7, 2014, 7/8pm



Agenda – Goutam Seepersaud

Minute – Samson Gong


Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii Agenda#4

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii
Prof. Belli
Agenda for the meeting on 12/01/2014:
● Discuss rules and manuals for both audiences, teacher and student editions;
● Design and layout of both manuals;
● Talk about the possible design issues and make adjustments to resolve them;
● Discuss game’s construction and some material use;
● Do research for flashcards;
● Come up with more ideas about the flashcards and their use(teachers edition);
● Talk about the write up we will need to do.
Some thoughts for the next meetings:
● Meet with Prof. Belli;
● Labor division;
● Adjusting our deliverables(manuals/rules) considering suggestions.

Jason, Ray, Vincent, Agenda week of 11-26-14

Group 1 Meeting

December 1, 2014

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio

Objective: To present our current progress and our work plan.

I. Discuss the current progress of the project

  • Talk about the current progress of the game (10 min)
  • Talk about the current progress of the manual, while looking over it (5 min)
  • Discuss last week’s presentation and what we should change for the final presentation (10 min)


II. Future plans

  • Start making survey questions (15 min)
  • Discuss how to distribute survey (5 min)
  • Discuss how to begin the final write up (10 min)

Meeting Minutes/ Agenda from Lian, Derrick, Deniel and Chris

Group 5: Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian

Location 1: In Class

November 19, 2014; 12:30pm-2:00pm

Location 2: Library

November 21, 2014; 4:30pm-6:45pm

Location 3: Online (Skype)

November 22, 2014; 7:25pm-8:25pm

Location 4: Online (Skype)

November 24, 2014; 11pm-12:05pm


Meeting 1:

Distributed the survey and memo to the other students of class to get their feedback about the survey.

Reviewed the survey to see what needed to be changed after the other students were finished with it.

We met with professor Belli to discuss our first draft of the survey and memo.


Meeting 2:

Discussed the survey draft from class and made corrections needed be.

Planned the groups which are going to work on the memo and survey.


Meeting 3:

Discussed what we are going to be doing for the presentation on Wednesday.

Since the memo and survey are being revised, we plan on sending it to professor Belli to get feedback of our corrections once completed.

Plans on having another meeting for Monday night to gather all information needed for presentation.

Meeting 4:

Finished gathering ideas on what we are going to be doing for the presentation.

Chose what part everyone in the group was going to be working on.


Agenda #2 – Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa

Agenda #2

Skype Meeting

Date: November 23, 2014

Time: 7:20 PM to 11:15 PM

Place: Online virtual meeting via Skype

Meeting called by: Calvin

Attendees: Ogulcan, Rosa


Objective:  To discuss the new direction of our survey and to tackle/resolve issues on our to-do-list that we created in class on 19 November 2014 and how to approach our power point presentation


7:20 PM          Recap on what we did in Wednesday’s class and review the objective.

7:35 PM          Discuss the new direction of our survey.

8:45 PM          Tackle and resolve some of the issues we created on our to-do-list and research additional questions for the new direction of our survey.

10:00 PM        Discuss how to approach our power point presentation.

10:10 PM        Discuss what the power point will cover and content.

10:40 PM        Discuss how many slides we will need to cover everything.

11:00 PM        Discuss who will cover what.

Agenda#3 Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii

Agenda for the meeting on 11/21/2014:


  • Discuss Rules / Manual combo
  • Discuss the “teacher edition” manual
  • Plan out putting the prototype together
  • Talk about the PowerPoint: decide on order and parts.
  • Set deadlines for presentation deliverables
  • Virtually meet to work on slides content in google documents
  • Find ways to make research facts interesting for kids, but also accurate

Meeting Agenda 2 —Tony, Goutam, Samson

 Meeting Date: Sunday, November 23, 2014

Start time: 6:00 pm

End time: 7:00pm

Location: Skype Chat


Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss further research, App features, and powerpoint


6:00 to 6:10 Discuss last class meeting

6:10 to 6:20 Assigned works for group members to complete

6:20 to 6:25 Discuss about our progress so far we have done

6:25 to 7:00 Powerpoint slides and presentation discussion

Next meeting date: Friday, November 28, 2014, 7/8pm


Agenda – Samson Gong

Minute – Goutam Seepersaud


Meeting Date: Monday, November 24, 2014

Start time: 9:00 pm

End time: 9:30 pm

Location: Skype Chat


Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss the powerpoint’s presentation


9:00 to 9:30    Prepare and determine who to present which part and what to say

Next meeting date: Friday, November 28, 2014, 7/8pm


Agenda – Samson Gong

Minute – Goutam Seepersaud


Jason, Ray, Vincent, Agenda Week of 11-19-2014

Group 1 Meeting
November 24, 2014
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio

Objective: To plan our upcoming presentation.

I. Discuss the current progress of the project

  • Talk about the current progress of the game (10 min)
  • Talk about the current progress of the manual, while looking over it (10 min)

II. Finalize the Power Point presentation

  • Collaboratively finish up the Power Point (20 min)
  • Make a plan on how to present it (10 min)

III. Future plans

  • Discuss how we will proceed with the project after the presentation (10 min)

Agenda for 11/19/2014 Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii


Prof. Belli



Agenda for the class on 11/19/2014:


Decided today:


  • Consult with Prof. Belli, questions
  • Clarify about research part
  • Discuss deliverables in terms of look and parts(rules/manual/instruction)
  • Set up the most valid dimensions
  • Decide presentation order and type
  • When the next meeting is going to be


Next week decisions

  • Prototype building
  • Oversee possible issues and come with resolutions
  • Bring together all of the manual parts
  • Work on the research implementation

Meeting Agenda- Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian

Group 5: Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian
Location 1: Library
November 14, 2014; 4:30pm-6:00pm
Location 2: Online; Skype
November 15, 2014; 2:00pm-3:00pm
To determine what materials to bring to the next c
lass and to find what other
information is in need of research
Find another person in the computer club for a source of information
Determine what questions should be on the survey
How to apply the data from the survey to other aspects of the project
Where to give out the survey
Preparation for the next class
Decide what materials to bring to class for revision ( Survey, Memo)
Plans for the following week
Look for faults in the memo and survey
Determine what is in need of further research
Find another source from the computer club