Owner’s Manual Evaluation of Vizio Smart TV, Iurii Druchuk

The user’s manuals or instructions vary from product to product. The more functional a product is the more complex will be the manual for it. I chose to look at the product, which has decent functionality abilities, but still should be very simple to use. The product is Vizio Smart TV Model: E500i-A1. Smart TVs are relatively new TV products; they came to such popularity just couple of years ago. Obviously, people who are using this type of product generally are not TV experts or extraordinary technological geniuses. Most users are people who just want to watch their TV at afternoons. Hence, the product manual has to be delicate and at the same time cognitive for users.

When I look at the owner’s manual of Vizio Smart TV Model: E500i-A1 first, what I see is the overall view of the product and name of the model. This is very nice to begin with, because right away I am seeing what I am going to learn about. Along with these two things, I am given the information about the certifications and licenses. As for me, this information is not really usable in this place of the manual, it should be at the end of the user’s manual, where all of the terms and conditions are stated. Not unlike the specifications table, which I found all the way at the end, and which I would rather find it more useful to be on the second page of the manual, or somewhere at the beginning.

What I found very useful, however, is the diagram and information about “Television Antenna Connection Protection.” It is useful, because often television is sold without any reassuring protectoral instructions, or even cabling manuals. In addition, the next page table of contents is a very huge plus because the manual is 73 pages long. Table of content is something users are going to use all the time with this manual.

The sections of the actual content and instructions are very logical and explanatory. The details are specific and address needed parts of the hardware and software. Most parts are explained in such way that person that does not know all of the technological terms will be able to understand the manual. Besides the installation diagrams and instructions, the manual includes the Package Contents, it makes user to trust what he or she reads in the manual, because the company does not hide anything.

Further in the context specific information about functions of the hardware parts is explained. Which is very common, it describes all of the ports and in what way they are useful for owners, as well, the remote controls functions are stated. Closer towards the middle of the manual, it goes from hardware explanations to software configurations and then use. I found it very amusing that they made it this way, with such transition; it is logically clear and just nifty to have this transition from hardware to software. In addition, every component and part of the configuration is explained well and thoroughly, for the most part everything is clear. Each setting is thoroughly described. Basically, the manual shows, what will happen when a user choses certain setting or option. This is great because a user will not be confused and surprised in the future by not understanding what is going on with the TV set.

Overall, I found owner’s manual of Vizio Smart TV Model: E500i-A1 very helpful. It has covered everything from the safety tips on cabling and antenna placement up to the specifics of the setting options. Few parts I have disliked are probably based on a priority that the company has chosen to state the information. For instance, as I have mentioned it, the licensing I would find more useful at the end of the whole information; the specification table, which I would be happier to see at the beginning of the manual. Besides these minor, I would probably give this manual five out of five stars. It is in a clear and accessible language and tone that is user-friendly.



1. Owners manual of Vizio Smart TV Model: E500i-A1


City Tech Education & Career Preparedness, Iurii Druchuk

In general, so far, I have noticed that computer systems department in New York City College of Technology does provide the basic knowledge; the education, however, is focused on the fundamental understanding of how everything runs. Courses that I had experience to take were basic and lacked, even on this basic level, the practical or applying studies. While researching the job space demands I found that, all of the jobs require the presence of the practical experience and much less of the ads include having the degree as a requirement. After researching, I have came to the conclusion that experience and practical skills are more important than even complete degree certificate. The priority of the nowadays job employment in IT fields are circling around practical knowledge and experience.

In order to make our department succeed in giving a student individualism and practice, the department should go in the direction of some of the best schools of studies in computer science. In the USA, we have many universities that provide very decent trainings and degree practices, which benefit to student’s individual development of the practical or applied studies. While I was researching, I have used a website U.S. News & World Reports under the education section. The website provides best ranking schools that are successful in the computer systems or computer science.

The main idea I have researched consisted the subject of any other unique classes, additional engagements and awards, as well as resources that would be giving the student more applied studies over the fundamental theories. For instance at the Stanford University, we can find the specified computer systems laboratory, which is also something I would suggest for the NYCCT to implement. This will also benefit students to practice and have laboratory experience, become more individual and have potential to grow practical experience.

Looking at University of California Berkeley, I found something called Self-Paced center  where students can choose to learn what they really want. For instance another programing language, or take another oriented engineering course. Where students can have benefits by getting tutorials and individual interest information. In addition, the university provides numerous research areas that fit interests of the students. On top of this, the university works with some top computer companies and, therefore, makes it easier for graduates to display their potentials to the work community.

Another good example is Carnegie Mellon University. It is also one of the best schools of computer science. The university provides numerous awards to these motivated student who have succeed in the field of developing and creating new work. This way department of computer science encourages students to apply their abilities in the direction of the research and increase their academic level.


Washington University has a class called “Hardware Design and Implementation” which is also something the department of our college misses. Again, we are focusing here more on the virtual and basic site of the computer disciplines. However, by following the example of Washington University, the department should also take care of the hardware knowledge, very physical layer of the computer systems technologies. Keeping in mind that this is a very practical knowledge base. Moreover, the course outline includes the laboratory hardware and hardware for experimentation.

At Georgia Institute of Technology, for instance, in the department of computer science, they have a special program which is called Threads. Threads program is a unique approach towards giving the students “breadth and depth” in their education, as it is explained by their Senior Associate Dean Charles Isbell. The program lets student to choose their most likable classes and approaches, and develop themselves in that particular area. This is a very good example of how NYCCT could give students more freedom over their interests and potentials. This is the way in which student could get more individualism in their education here at City Tech.

The computer science department at University of Illinois provide classes that are very specific. For instance, if a student is interested in Android development, there is such class. There is such specialized area. However NYCCT lacks such experiences in our department.

One of the most common advancements that these schools have is that they provide a career growth. They have numerous programs of master and doctoral degrees. For instance, at NYCCT students in the CST have this ceiling over them, which stops them from further growth. The department provides only degree up to bachelors programs. Meaning is that these other universities let their students project their careers and see some greater aspects for the future. In the NYCCT, however, students have to transfer for that purpose.

These universities give their students more classes available, which contributes to their experiences not only by providing fundamental knowledge. In addition, I would like to point out that getting practical knowledge is not a group or teamwork. It is mainly individual approach of each student, the ways he or she approaches to the problems and the way a student responds to the tasks in the field of CST; it is based on the personal experience with these problems. Therefore, I would like to suggest for our college to focus more on the individual development. Provide for the mighty student resources in order to give them more opportunity, make their experience more independent and more concentrated in their own abilities. Follow the examples of the universities and their approaches listed above.

Overall, many of the universities have greater support for their students. These universities set their priorities to make student valuable and active asset into the future. They are more open to the worldwide communities and national or even global projects, like University of Wisconsin, which participated in the CloudLab researches. Taking as another example University of Michigan, which provide such specialized subjects as Artificial Intelligence and Computer Architecture. Comparing to these schools NYCCT needs to provide to their students of CST department the ability to choose what they like the most and develop with it. Implementing programs like Thread from Georgia Institute, make available new higher programs and insert broader spectrum of courses provided. In general, give more materials, physical space and providing more resources to grow for their students individualism and practical knowledge.


  1. U.S. News & World Reports – website with rankings.
  2. Stanford University – website of the specialized laboratory.
  3.  University of California Berkeley, their Self-Paced center, and  research areas.
  4. Carnegie Mellon University
  5. Washington University with the course “Hardware Design and Implementation”.
  6. Georgia Institute of Technology, the specialized program Threads.
  7. University of Illinois
  8. University of Wisconsin
  9. University of Michigan
  10. NYCCT



Online Identity in a Networked World, Iurii Druchuk

As the technology progresses throughout the years, the ways people perceive others change simultaneously. Technological advancements have such influence that they give more information about the person, more ways to dispose lives and provide a completely new dimension for an individual to expose its life. According to the article “Employers scour Web for details on applicants” job seekers should be aware, because “potential employers are scouring the Web for information about you — everywhere from Facebook walls to eBay’s comment pages.”

There is two major consequences of this case. It is bad because the jobseekers have to limit their web freedom, and control their exposure in the internet. On the other hand, this is good and beneficial even, it lets jobseekers to brand themselves and recommend them by providing the good image in the internet. This can be crucial in the high competitive job proposals.

The article I found is “What Your Social Media Reputation Says to Employers” written by Emily Driscoll, consists of the information that might optimize the image we create in the internet. In her article, the author claims that out of 69% student who are preparing for the future employment, “only 16% are spending time proactively improving their web presence.” Driscoll suggests that students who apply for the job have to check on their future employers similarly as the employers check on the potential employees. The author gives four tips from online and career experts for graduates to optimize their online identities. The first tip is to search for your name in every major search engine and find if there is some information that needs to be deleted or revised. Second tip is to not rely on privacy settings, certain posts and photos might be displayed despite the privacy restrictions. The third tip is to delete any information, posts or photos, which can be considered inappropriate for the public setting. The fourth tip is to keep your posts and comments grammatically and spelled correctly, this will make a good impression on the potential employers.

While I searched my name in the internet, I have found myself in the OpenLab, which consists some of my best-written works, and my Google+ account, which I do not use at all. Therefore, after this brief search I have not found anything surprising out there about myself. Still, the situation is that until after I have heard about it in the class, I was not thinking about it, was not expecting it to have any influence on my future job experiences.

Colleges are doing a beneficial deed, according to article “Colleges Pay to Protect Students from Toxic Google Results.” As it is mentioned in the article, graduates or jobseekers have to be aware of the possibility that potential employers might use internet to “spy” on them, and use the gathered dossier to make a negative decision. I think this kind of warnings should be provided in elementary schools. Also whenever a new user register in the internet, the social networks should make a pop-up massege to warn their clients that the information disposd on their spaces might be used against them. The users will be notified and could post and comment and use the network in the safe way. This way there would be much less ignorant decisions made by internet users, and much higher chances that they would get a job.

Although, I do not find it unethical, I think that unwieldy posts or comments, or even photos are NOT the most accurate way to get a decent and solid judgment about real character of a person. I believe that a person behaves differently in public setting and in private setting amongst their friends for instance, like in Facebook. The problem is that people have to keep this boundary and do not expose what is private to the public spaces in the internet as it is mentioned in the article “What Your Social Media Reputation Says to Employers.”

I care about the privacy of my life, and do not want to overexpose my personal life or brand my life in general. That is why I have deleted my Facebook account number of years ago. I use numerous other social media networks. With the care I tighten all of the privacy setting in the accounts that are to be exposed in the internet and try to not brand myself as much. I also try to not write my real name and use all of my accounts under the different names and pseudonyms. I guess this is my approach not brand myself. This way I can still be in touch with needed people and have access to the functions of these websites however, with no harm to my future and my reputation. This is just my choice; however, it is not fully beneficial. As it is written in article “Employers scour Web for details on applicants” online representation, if it is positive, can be beneficial by convincing the employer to make positive decision.


1. Driscoll Emily, “What Your Social Media Reputation Says to Employers”, published June 03, 2013

2 . Marcus Dave, Employers scour Web for details on applicants“, Updated July 23, 2010

3. Weber Lauren,  “Colleges Pay to Protect Students from Toxic Google Results.” published Dec 17, 2012

Class notes for 9/10


Class Notes

Notes taken since the beginning of the class until the break

  1. Reviewing some SYLLABUS specifics:
  • Under the category of RESOURCES, students can find many valuable and legit reading materials about Technical Writing.
  1. TECHNICAL WRITING – definition based on the readings:
  • It is simplified –deride what is not important;
  • Streamlineal – optimized for the specific purpose;
  • Consumer/audience/user oriented.
  1. TECHNICAL WRITERS as translators and convertors. The translated or simplified technical writing must include all of the eight characteristics of excellence.


Notes taken after the break:

  • Argument/Persuasive form(state a claim, and then provide evidences to prove the claim)
  • Must be one page, in paragraph form, include four paragraphs (1st paragraph: introduce; 2nd: write about yourself; 3rd: write about experiences; 4th: state how can contribute.)
  • It has to look professionally, one-inch margins all around;
  • It has to be narrative-tell the story;
  • With reasoning and prioritizing, to fit employer’s needs.
  • Has to be written 100% in the active language.
  • Active language – describe the action in several different ways, write how YOU influenced the situation rather then, how everything happened to you. Constant rotation of subject and object.   
  • Should not be a duplicate of cover letter;
  • Should be straightforward include: skills, dates, education, bullet point form.
  • Requirements with “must” are important ;
  • “desired”- not so important;

IT systems management job ads, Iurii Druchuk

Because I am in the Computer Systems Technology field, and planning to continue and expand my study at this direction, I have made a search for the appropriate job ads. In particular, I have searched the web for the positions in the departments of the IT management, or IT project management. My search was focused mostly to be in the NYC area, however, there are interesting for me positions all over the country. As I was progressing through my research of the criteria and characteristics of the future employees, I have found numerous general and specific demands towards the potential workers.

Some of the characteristics are vague and they vary from ad to ad. For instance, some of the jobs require automobile insurance, and a vehicle. In general, the mobility here is what counts. One of the general characteristics is motivation. Many of the job ads need their employees to be motived and friendly to the workplace, and coworkers. In addition, it is expected for the candidate to be able to learn rapidly and absorb information quickly. The quicker the transition into the new workplace is the better it is.

All of the hiring companies or institutions demand from the future employees a high level of verbal and written communication skills. In the USA, it is, in particular, English language. Moreover, many employers include the need of the potential employee to be able to work both with and without other workers. Being ready for teamwork and independent ability to work is crucial and highly expected. It is also required for the person to be a problem solver, to be able to proactively oversee the future problem or handle hazardous situations when it had happened. Ability to apply a logical and common sense approach to problem solving is as well important. Quick, effective troubleshooting methods through using the IT service management strategies. Giving technical support to customers and personal of the company. Hence, these are some of the most common criteria amongst the ads.

Another of the most common criteria is qualification. Minimum of 3 years, for a decent job in the field is required. Some of the high paying job ads include higher experience period, of course, and the lower salary jobs expect the lower requirements in the experience. Education is as well important. Most of the employers look for the 4-year degree in the IT related fields. In addition, the one of the most common characteristics for the candidates to be highly organized and have excellent planning skills. Also, the future worker has to possess strong leadership skills. Especially if one is an IT project manager.

After these general skills, there are very specific skills that the future IT manager has to possess. These are deeply professional and technical skills acquired over the years of study and practical experience. These include:

Administrative skills with using specific software such as SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange Server. IT managers are highly expected to possess the practical knowledge about Microsoft Office software, VMware applications. As well, operate and administer such system software as Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, Linux and UNIX bases, including server editions of these operation systems.  Many of the ads include requirements of setting and operating SQL Servers, Crystal Reports, and Microsoft Dynamics. Overall, the future worker has to know how to operate, troubleshoot and maintain both hardware and software components of the complex systems.

As for me, I am in the NYCCT in the major of CST, exactly to gain a good start for my career in the IT management field. Regarding the criteria, I have found in the job ads, I have number of the characteristics these employers require. These are ability to learn and adapt rapidly, critical thinking and logical problem solving. I have also practical experience in  troubleshooting, optimizing and maintaining PC desktops, laptops and simple networks. From the NYCCT I expect to be provided with the basics of the IT management. I believe the education here will more precisely familiarize me with variety of software and hardware that is being used nowadays in industries and by companies.

At this point, my conclusion is that I am not ready for the IT management job position. I have confidence that I will learn fast, however, I have no experience and enough knowledge about more complex systems. The taken courses here gave me more theory than practical knowledge as for now.

 The links to ads:

  1. http://www.jobscore.com/jobs2/unifiedsocial/it-manager/caa1bolhyr5j0-iGalqWdr?Board=Indeed&PID=1946075
  2. http://www.indeed.com/viewjob?cmp=Preston-Harris-Group&t=IT+Project+Manager&jk=4d2a4a137d5c9409&sjdu=QwrRXKrqZ3CNX5W-O9jEvZnY6dm0twqGgnjbB-NLDuAnuABeh8mdQfWM_IFLER6ld7jmOwPa_lPzJTVuX9RCJA
  3. http://www.rabobank.jobs/cs/en/position/m61354/Head_ITI_Data_Center_Services.html
  4. http://www.rabobank.jobs/cs/en/position/m61354/Head_ITI_Data_Center_Services.html
  5. http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?k=Job&c=qOm9VfwY&j=oe1wZfwu&s=Indeed
  6. http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?sc_cmp1=js_jrp_jobclick&APath=
  7. http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?sc_cmp1=js_jrp_jobclick&APath=
  8. http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?sc_cmp1=js_jrp_jobclick&APath=
  9. http://jobview.monster.com/Tier-II-IT-Computer-Technician-North-Canton-OH-Job-North-Canton-OH-US-136947880.aspx
  10. https://www.theladders.com/job/jobboard?cr=8775298&pl=s4-T3
  11. https://uboc.taleo.net/careersection/10000/jobdetail.ftl?job=33514-C&lang=en
  12. http://www.simplyhired.com/content?jobkey=797c1d73e6cea8db2d665d653f37c091d2e7ba&cparm=cF9pZD0xMDAyJnpvbmU9NiZpcD0xNzMuMy40OC4xMSZjb3VudD0xMCZzdGFtcD0yMDE0LTA5LTA4IDA4OjI4OjQwJmNvdW50cnk9dXMmcHVibGlzaGVyX2NoYW5uZWxfaWRzPTYmYV9pZD03NzcwOSZjX2lkPTUzNzM2JmNwYz0wLjcxJnBvcz0zJmhhc2g9YjlhOWNmZTEzODIzOThiYWNkYmQ2OTlkMzUxNDFiNDE%3D%3Bae46eadf211138f05a5893920e015272
  13. http://careers.express-scripts.com/job/details/Lake+Mary%2C+FL/Information+Technology/manager-it-qa-1400057n?src=JB-10069
  14. https://careers.informatica.com/jobs/IT08229/Redwood-City-California-IT-Operations-Service-Manager?SID=244
  15. http://newyork.craigslist.org/que/sad/4653555313.html
  16. http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?sc_cmp1=js_jrp_jobclick&APath=
  17. http://tmsservices.com/employee/engineering/195-it-systems-manager


spiritus gladius

Hello, as you can probably see, my name  is Iurii, in the country I’ve came from people/friends usually call me Ura, but that is a different story. I’ve been in the United States since 2010, more than four years now trying to improve my english, which is a little goal of mine. I am not a really good at studying, however, I rather like to have practical knowledge rather than theoretical. Here it is plenty of practical English for me, that’s great.

I and my family were lucky to come “Unto a land flowing with milk and honey”(Exodus 33:3) Well, many people would probably argue with me about such a positive description, but USA is certainly better than many of the lands out there. Any way, since comming here I was set with goals and objectives to get a decent education and, eventually, be a selfpropelled working machine:D just kidding. But, I really want to be able to keep myself and people I love alive, and in good material position during the times I’ve gotten.

Hopefully, I will work in the IT field and be able to fulfill all of the job’s criterias and as some of my plans. Thats basically why I am here. Besides, I have this thought that some time in the future computerized machines or robots might capture the primacy of the humanity in this world, so it will be very useful to know about computers, if you know what I mean.

I like sports and physical challenges, in particular soccer and also working out in the streets, parks etc. I also like reading, one of my favorites is “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak. I also enjoy to compose some guitar music and lyrics. I like music, of course, and one of my favorite contemporary artists is Ben Howard, here is a great video on the music he does. (Hopefully you will see the inserted video, if not, the video can be seen HERE )




Another hobby I have is photography, here is my photo of the silhouettes of the dark New York City.

Over the years I have noticed that one of my weaknesses in writing is that I have no patience to craft my writing as it should be crafted. I do not like revising it or reviewing, searching for missed letter or punctual, grammatical, and all of the mistakes that there can be. That is also a challenge for me to force myself actually do the procedure of revising, and this is great. I like that it is challenging. Technology is everywhere, we all use it all the time…right now, me writing this post is a one instance. Technical writing is probably something related to professional writing, to work-related situations. I, honestly, do not want to spoil the magic of not knowing what to expect, for myself. So I’ll let this river to carry me away, as far as it tends to. Indeed it will be a challenge for me and a pleasure to expand that tiny brain of mine.

Thank You.Â