Ivan, Enrique, Iurii, Rene Minutes

Meeting minutes 12/01/2014
12:30 PM – 1:13 PM

Attendees (Skype)
Ivan Kelemen, Enrique Bisono, Iurii Druchuk, Rene Alcon
Ivan Kelemen
● Discuss Rules / Manual combo layout (both teacher and student edition)
● Readjust the design of the game to fit new materials
● Research into question cards for the kids
● Talk about the write up we will need to do
● We discussed the layout of the new manuals. They will be different between the kids version and the teachers edition. We also are beginning to organize the research we have better and categorize it for what we will need. (ie. some research will be used for the manuals but won’t be used for the write up that we will need)
● After doing research into plastic materials we found some that work for us. We had to change the design around to meet the size restrictions of the material that we have now. Rene will begin
working on the new design while Ivan decides on a better name for the game and a logo.
● We have all collected the research to begin writing the cards. We talked about the style we will make them. There will be a variety used, some of them will be funny and taken from fantasy and other will be very realistic and based strictly from the real world. We think a good balance of these is very important.
● Lastly we talked about the grueling write up we will have to. we are deciding how we will split the work up and who will handle what. we currently only decided how to approach it and nothing more as of yet. Next time we can talk, we will write an outline after we find out more info from the professor.

The meeting ended at 1:13 PM