Jason, Ray, Vincent, Minutes week of 11-26-14

December 1, 2014

Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio

Location: Virtual

Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM by Jason Choy

I. Discuss the current progress of the project

  • Jason says that the game might be complete, and only needs to be played through in order to find and fix possible errors.
  • No changes to the manual as of yet.
  • The group agrees that the main thing missing from our last presentation was a Works Cited page.

II. Future plans

  • Jason and Ray come up with some sample survey questions such as “Did you find the manual to be helpful?”, “How would you rate the manual’s accessibility?”, and “How frightening was the game?”
  • Jason says that the survey should be distributed via physical printed copies, and the group agrees.
  • Ray says that for the first draft of the final write-up, we can use all of our existing sources and our annotations, and make annotations for the newer sources. The group agrees unanimously.
  • Ray says that we can probably make 2-4 pages for the first draft, which we all agree on.

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 PM
Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Jason Choy.