Jason, Ray, Vincent, Progress Report #3

Group 1 – Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio
Professor Jill Belli
ENG 3773
Progress Report #3

Over the course of the past week, our group has been working vigorously on the game, the manual, and a Power Point for the upcoming presentation. Jason finalized the third level of the game and showed it to the other group members through videos. The group worked together on making the Power Point presentation: Vincent came up with a layout, which the other group members helped add to and modify, before creating the Power Point itself.

Jason also added onto the manual by creating a “Gameplay” section, which is now six pages long. Afterwards the group revised the manual, fixing errors and making any needed clarifications. The group will bring four copies of the manual to the presentation, and distribute them to the other groups.

Our Power Point presentation was put together as a group, with each member focusing on specific areas. Vincent wrote about researching other game manuals, Ray provided pictures on architectural influences that we used and will discuss them during the presentation. Jason will talk more about the game itself and its purpose.

We thought about the types of survey questions we’ll ask, but we haven’t advanced far enough to actually make a sample survey yet. We will probably get there next week, and begin talking about potential survey questions before making decisions and putting the actual survey together. But as of right now, our progress is moving along as planned.