Progress Report #2- Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian

Group 5: Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian
Professor Jill Belli
ENG 3773
Progress Report #2
On November 14, 2014 4:30pm to 6:00pm the group held a meeting in the library to discuss what materials should be brought to the next class session. First we had to determine what questions should be used in the survey and how can they be applied to other aspects of the project. The decision was made to hand out the surveys in the Namm building of City Tech because that is where most of the computer courses are held, the specific location has not been fully determined but areas such as the Atrium lounge area or the cafeteria was suggested. These areas were suggested because we would not be obstructing anyone and it should be during the student’s free time when given a survey. One of the computer club’s admins became unresponsive to Lian so it was decided to find another person in charge of the computer club for information. Due to the lack of responses from the computer club we had to make a memo based on information that was gathered previously as a first draft. The second meeting took place online through Skype on November 15, 2014 2:00pm to 3:00pm this was to edit the
current survey by adding, changing and rearranging the questions.