Progress Report 2—-Tony, Samson, Goutam

Before our meeting on Friday, November 14, we had a short in-class discussion about what our group is going to accomplish to the next week. During the discussion we have decided to make Tony Chi as our project manager, Goutam writes agenda for next meeting, and Samson takes minute on what will be discuss at meeting. We all came to an agreement that agenda and Minute responsibilities will be shifted every week among each group members. Due to incompatibility of each group members schedule, our group decided to held synchronous meet online through Skype every week, not only that, we will be using WeChat (mobile application used for sending instant message) to share ideas during unofficial chatting.

So for this week group meeting, Goutam created the agenda and Samson had taken the minutes for our online Skype meeting on Friday. During our meeting we discussed on how the layout of our application should be, what feature needs to be appearing on the app and what make a mobile app attractive. We also shared some research links during that meeting, and some of them are very useful towards making a decent mobile app.

On Monday, Tony shared a simple prototype of the application. The application is very simple but clean. It has features like weather, direction, link to City Tech official website, contact info, and social media connection. We decided to leave it simple as it is because we want to move further after we get feedback from the survey. The Application is subject to change base on the survey that we are going to conduct at the end of next class. Goutam will be in charge of survey, but Tony and Samson will be assisting with the survey. We were able to complete our primary goal of creating the prototype.

For our next class, Goutam will bring the survey and other source materials; Tony will bring the simple prototype and other materials; Samson will bring his research materials. Lastly, before Tuesday midnight, our group leader, Tony will review and submit the documents to the blog and dropbox.