Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii progress report – 11/18/2014

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii

Progress Report#2

Prof. Belli



As we discussed it in class on 11/12/2014, this week, our group members have met to decide on the material and the design of the game. Moreover, we have brought our ideas and brainstormed on the rules of the game. Ivan and Rene, sketched and designed the layout of the game. Enrique gathered and prepared the heart of our game, which are electric parts. We will work on how to put it together at a later time. Iurii has been coordinating the writing of the progress reports and agenda. As we have agreed during the class session we have got several very important things done during the week of 11/12-11/19/2014:

  • We got pretty close to knowing of how our game will look like in final results, as Rene and Ivan had made sketches and plans of the game;
  • Design and materials are in the stage of preparation to the actual assembly and will be ready shortly. As Enrique finds all proper electrical parts and Rene prepares the outer materials;
  • Set of rules is clearly stated, but need slight revision as we move along the process. They will also need to be laid out properly;
  • Rules are part of our deliverables along with the manual. we are moving along nicely and are already working on the deliverables parts.
  • As well, during the group discussion, we dealt with security concerns, which our classmates had. Security will be implemented through the design and construction of the board game. Moreover, we decided to include extra security instructions in the manual for teachers along with how they will put together the game if they wish to make more.


Basically, we are ALMOST ready to start physically building our game, and are looking forward to meeting again and bringing all of the materials and parts together to make a whole object. We still need to do some further research and then testing but we are making good progress.