Calvin, Rosa, Ogulcan Minutes 11/17

Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 17 November 2014

Meeting called to order at 9:15 PM by Calvin Lo

Members present:

Rosa Cedano

Members not present:

Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To discuss the required documents to bring to class on 19 November 2014. Discuss which questions to put on our survey. What other research to carry out to help complete our task.


Motion from Calvin:  to create a mock up survey online to administer to students in class instead of printing out a set amount of hard copies.

Vote: Motion carried.

Motion from Calvin: Ask Rosa to look up a few questions from existing surveys that relates to transfer rates.

Vote: Motion carried.

Resolved: Calvin’s mock up survey to be posted online for students to take.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.