Job Ad’s Search

This assignment really showed me what I needed to learn before I can go look for jobs in my field. I only searched for areas in my NYC since it makes more sense. Some of course were in Jersey which I wouldn’t find commuting to. What most of these companies want is for someone who can work with others. Most IT jobs will require you to work with your colleagues. That is one of the major things a person in my field needs to be comfortable with.  Of course they want you to be familiar with the basics as well such as getting to know Windows, Linux, etc. They also require a person to have good verbal and communication skills. Communication is key in my field otherwise everyone will fall apart. They of course want you to know basic math and to know some type of coding, Java, C++, HTML, etc. They also want a person to know SQL, and about routers, switches, etc. Some jobs also require that you have at least three years of experience.  Most companies want a bachelor’s degree but some even want a master’s. I am pursuing a job in networking, security, and database at city tech.

My personal experience is not close to what they are wanting unfortunately. I have always liked to mess around with computers, such as breaking it apart and then rebuilding it. Here in City Tech, I learned how to program with Java, and I learned about the interiors of computers. I learned basic SQL. Those include me to create directories and how to modify them such as adding information in them or deleting it. I also learned about routers and switches and how to set them up. I have not gotten an internship yet but I am planning on it this summer. Hopefully with the internship, I can feel more comfortable with going for a job search in my field after graduation. While I took my classes here in City Tech, I did a lot of group work projects which helped build my experience in working with others.  These have prepared me only partially but after a few more classes and a good internship will definitely prepare me for the long run. Still trying to finish my bachelor which is something all those companies require. Right now if I was to go out and get something, the most I will get is an internship. I am not mentally and physically prepared but in time I will be.

In conclusion, working in IT requires that you know what you’re doing because you have to help your other peers. If you can’t accomplish this then you obviously would be in trouble. We have to have good verbal and communication skills and to have basic knowledge about computers. They require us to have experience in working in the field so when we are hired, we know some knowledge of what’s going on.  I hope to land a job once I get an internship and finish college so when I leave, I leave prepared.

Job links: