Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | FALL 2024

11/13/24: Unit 3 Writing in a New Genre Proposal

Throughout the semester, weā€™ve seen people talking about (for example) education in a variety of different genres. In each of these instances, the author is trying to reach a different audience and they pick the genre that will best speak to that audience. Think about James Baldwinā€™s speech, or Jamila Lyiscottā€™s poem. These are all different genres. Why might one write in any of these genres? Who do these genres reach?

In this unit, youā€™ll be writing about the topic you researched in Unit 2 for an audience of your choosingā€“ so now itā€™s time to think about what genre you think will best reach your audience!

WRITE: You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post on the class OpenLab site. This proposal should tell us:

Ā· A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2)

Ā· The audience you are trying to reach

Ā· The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it

Ā· A plan ā€” how do you intend to get started?

Ā· Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?

Submit your writing here as a reply to this post, and then revise and save as a detailed one or two paragraph document in your G Drive class folder by 11/18/24. In other words, the proposal that you write today is a sketch that you will expand upon in your second proposal draft. If you have any questions or need clarification about anything, please ask.


  1. Leoddy

    Ā· A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2)

    I want to teach my audience (kids-young adults) how important space exploration is. The most important thing I learned from unit 2 was how possible it is for us to in the future colonize mars one day.

    Ā· The audience you are trying to reach

    I want to reach kids and young adults because Iā€™m hoping they find interest in space and help humanity in the future expand outside of earth. Also find new discoveries that can benefit us/ new technology.

    Ā· The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it

    Iā€™ll choose it because it shows imagery and it helps view space exploration less scary and more exciting.

    Ā· A plan ā€” how do you intend to get started?

    For starters how to make it interesting for kids, and how it can be useful for them one day.

    Ā· Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?

    My concern is having to present I rather do something that can be seen or read without me having to speed or show something.

  2. Angela Nesmy

    In unit 2, I tackled an article about ā€œWhat are the psychological effects of childhood poverty in Manila, Philippinesā€. After researching about this topic I learned and found out a lot of things involving children who are in poverty such as their coping mechanisms, cultural traits, and perceived reasons as to what led them or their family to be in poverty. The most important thing that I learned about my topic in unit 2 is that poverty is not just financial suffering, but its also affects peoples mental health, restricts access to education, and hinders economic mobility. The audiences that Iā€™m trying to reach are people who are interested in solving or helping people in poverty, people who are currently in the state of poverty, people who had been in poverty, psychologist, law-makers, Filipino citizens, and programs or charity that are helping people in poverty. The genre that Im planning to use is video, because my topic is about poverty and appealing to people emotions (pathos) will be much easier for them to see the point of why I dedicated my time in covering this issue. Additionally, I feel like video will work effectively when it comes to this certain topic, because a lot of people prefers to see how poverty actually affects the psychological or the mental health of children in poverty. I plan to start by writing a draft or outline about how will I deliver my article in a sense that will touch other people, because aside from I want to spread awareness about how poverty affects children, I also want this project to shed light for those kids who are battling poverty in Manila. I want this article to be an eye-opener, so that people around the world will join hands and help them, especially the Philippines law makers. Im worried about the outcome, but I will try my best to make it clear and direct. Although I have tests and quizzes coming up, I will give this project much effort to reach its intended audiences.

  3. Maria

    Iā€™m going to talk about Dominican Republic racism towards Haitians, teaching my audience about how the whole conflict and situation started and how the Dominican Republic benefit of Haitians. My audience is people that care about political issues and people from Dominican and Haitian descendants who do not live in the country and wants to know about the situation and how life is over there. To get to that audience, I would be doing infographics. On the infographics I have the capacity to reach to people that learn visibility and to the other portion who learn reading. Due to the fact that the timeline and history of the whole conflict is very extended, and it can take pages and pages to know completely about it, the infographic is a short mode of learning about the main points and valuable information. As a Dominican I know that many schools do not talk too much about the whole history of what happened in the matanza of 1937, so this can be useful to Dominicans who donā€™t have the opportunity to educate themselves about the situation.

    My concern to this project is to manage to get the requirement of the 750-1000 words, but possibility I can make a sequence of those infographics. 

  4. Lydivine

    *The most important thing I learned from Unit 2 is how to really make a research academic wise and I learned about the roots of the conflict between Israel and Gaza .I also learned about how to manage my time better

    * The audience I am trying to reach is those who are involved in this conflict (Israelites and Palestinian) ,those who are from neighboring countries and fearing for their lives ,and those who are not physically involved but emotionally involved Ed and wished for this war to finally stop .

    *The genre I will write in will most likely be a poem because u always loved poems since my early age ,I love the artistic part of it and how how the words rhyme. Poems are not widely seen anymore or not popular. I have never wrote a poem and I want to challenge myself into doing this .

    *A plan I have is to first look at videos on how to wite a poem , dedicate at least 20 min to write the poem

    *A concern I have is I truly want to stick to my plan and not deviate from it and dedicate time for this project .I truly want to make a good poem that the audience will appreciate and understand.

  5. Alejandra

    Ā· A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2)

    I want to teach my audience on how the U.S. sanctions impact Venezuela’s economy, including the reasons behind these sanctions and demonstrating how they affect Venezuelans rather than the government.

    Ā· The audience you are trying to reach:

    The audience that Iā€™m trying to reach are those that are interested on understand the economy and situation between the U.S and Venezuela. 

    Ā· The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it

    The genre Iā€™m planning to write is a website. I chose this format because I want to include pictures, videos, and documentaries. I believe a website is the perfect medium to present all the information and engage the audience.

    Ā· A plan ā€” how do you intend to get started?

    I’m planning to start writing down all my ideas, searching for pictures, documentaries, and videos. Iā€™m also thinking about interviewing a Venezuelan immigrant who recently came to the U.S.

    Ā· Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project? 

     My only concern is that I might have so many ideas, and Iā€™m afraid not to know how to put them all together.

  6. Qianying Zheng

    I want to teach my audience how was the virus comes out.

    I’m trying to reach let audience know what is the virus and how does it comes out.

    I’m concern that I can’t think to much things to write.

    I’m planning to write about coronavirus and the genre was how it from and comes to us. How does it let us be and to know.

  7. Diana Calle

    I want to teach my audience about the Galapagos Islands and the natural reserve that is located there. The audience I am looking for are people interested in animals in general, people who enjoy nature and help, obviously also people who like to travel, I plan to explain everything in a video (on the TikTok platform) since in this I will be able to narrate it, use subtitles, images, etc. I plan to start by organizing all the ideas I have and what seems much better to me so I can start in an organized and understandable way, also writing the information that I will say in the video. The only thing that worries me is not being able to capture people’s interest or that my ideas are not clear.

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