How does my name define me?

Whenever I ask my parents why they named me Shashendri they I have nothing to say; my dad often says he doesn’t even know how he came up with it. Nevertheless, I find that my name, like me and many others, to have many different meanings coming together to make one cohesive statement; each deriving from foreign languages which is the foundation of who I am. “Sha” comes from the Sanskrit languages, meaning blessed light. “Shen” holds the translation of spirit in Chinese. Lastly, “Dri” translating to strong, in Greek. All these meanings, coming from different lands, forming the definition of my name: “strong spirit of light.” Lately, the idea that my name could be translated into something so empowering seems like an obscure thought, but at times it is what motivates me. My name may not be common or easily pronounced, but that’s what makes me who I am.

I am individual – made up of many different ideas, different challenges, and different backgrounds, yet I am one unique cohesive being.

OpenLab Assignment#1: What’s in a name?

My name signifies a person with a creative mind who finds different ways to go through certain paths. The one who goes out of their way to showcase honesty even if in a difficult situation. They see the good and the bad in people because we have good days and bad days. In addition, to have the audacity to appreciate of others beliefs. Someone who is mentally strong although, emotionally sensitive.

My father knew a guy who had daughter name Ariz and he liked the name. He also, wanted his newborn daughter to have a unique name. It amazes me that according to there are 75 babies in the United States that have the exact same name as me. That is a small variety of people and I hope they are proud of their name just like I am.

Through the perspective of others, I help to support others and hold wisdom it can be a hard way to show it although it doesn’t hold me back from being who I am as a person.  A rare stone that you find deeps in the mountains that when you discover it, you find yourself being amazed.

At an early age of my life, I wasn’t fond of my name the reason being people couldn’t pronounce or spell my name correctly. I remember going to gift shops I saw name bracelets, necklaces, mugs, and keychains none of them had my name. It made me feel as if my name wasn’t special enough since nobody else had a name like mine. As time went on I grew to appreciate my name by learning to accept myself.

My name isn’t interpreted as a symbol of negativity, nor it symbolizes violence. It doesn’t mean to lie or mislead others and lean on for who you aren’t since eventually, in the end, the truth will be told.

What does my name mean ?

Hello my name is Shawn and I didn’t really live the average high school life of a regular student especially in NYC. I went to prep school to play basketball and I was all over the place but when I came back i told my mom I had a question that I never got to ask her. I told her why did she name me “Shawn” she told me she named me that because I’m a blessing to her and I changed her life forever in a positive way. My mother stated that she’s so thankful for me at first I was confused because I’m so thankful for her but from a parents perspective I believe their love for their children is just unmatched and can’t be described.

The name Shawn means god is gracious a gift from god. I believe everyone is gods gift but the opportunities I have had opened my eyes and made into the humble man I am.

My name means a lot to me, it’s more than ID’s, passports and other important governmental information. This is my legacy that I will carry on this earth until the day I die and hopefully I will be remembered for many generations after me. This will tell me I have fulfilled my job on this planet.

My name helped me understand myself because I believe I’m gods plan and god has a purpose for me. So I constantly carry a chip on my shoulder and never set the bar low for myself because the sky is the limit.

I feel great about my name I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world I want to be great and leave a legacy. So yes my name does motivate me to be better in all aspects in life. 

OpenLab Assignment#1: What’s in a name? Robert Lo

My name is Robert.
I was born in an Asian country,
But my parents gave me a non-Asian name.
Rather a very common English, Western Hemisphere name.

I was wondering why as my brain filled with curiosity.
All my friends have a common Asian name and I was left out.
I felt like an outcast.

One day I asked my mother,
She said Robert is a name that serves greatness;
A prince in a shining armor.

When I was a child, I believed anything what my parents said.
‘Til then I just went along with it,
and never talk or question about the origins of my name.

It turns out the name Robert comes from Germany,
Derived from Hrodebert meaning “bright fame.”
A name from kings of France, Dukes of Normandy, and Scotland instead of princes.

This name was also incredibly famous during the Middle Ages.
Nowadays I don’t really care what my name serves, means, or how famous it is.
It is what it is, my name does not define who I am.

OpenLab Assignment#1: What’s in a name?

In what ways do our names define who we are? In this definition assignment, explore the meaning of your name and how it relates to your personality. First, read Rowan Ricardo Phillips’s poem “Proper Names in the Lyrics of Troubadours.” Then, use the questions below to write your own poem or creative prose composition introducing yourself to the class. 

Proper Names in the Lyrics of Troubadours

My parents never call me Rowan.

I’m Ricky, from Ricardo.

But not Ricky Ricardo.


I’m also the first Phillips in my family.

My mother decided Phillip, my father’s

Family name, sounded too much like a first name.


(In America, at least).

Rowan Phillip would lead inevitably

To Phillip Rowan. That was her story, and she’s sticking to it.


For the record, that’s an Old Norse first name,

A Spanish middle name,

And one of those faux-English-faux-Dutch-sounding last names


That’s really Greek for lover of horses.

“Rowan Ricardo Phillips”:

Another of those names that straddles seas in the sails of unseen


Ships. Still, it sounds typically West Indian to me.

And like “the West Indies” indefinite.

An indefinite room in an indefinite poem.


It took me a while to accept it.


After reading the poem, read the following questions and answer at least five of them.

  1. What does your name mean to you
  2. Research and explore why you were given your name
  3. Explore the connotations your name has (for you and other people)
  4. Think about how you feel about your name and why you feel this way
  5. If you were named after someone, explore and/or compare and contrast that person to yourself
  6. Compare and contrast yourself to other people with your name
  7. Explore any abbreviations of your name and the implications these have had on who you are
  8. Explain what your name does not mean
  9. Examine the definitions of your name and how these relate to who you are
  10. Examine the history of your name and how they relate to you
  11. Write about how this research into your name impacts your understanding of yourself

Based on your responses, write a poem or a creative prose composition introducing yourself and your name to the class.

Post to OpenLab! Include a photograph or image in the post or as your avatar. ..

Welcome to ENG 1121: English Composition II

The Fire This Time: Writing at the Intersection of Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in 21st Century America.

English Composition II is an advanced, discipline-specific composition course in which you will build on the practices, processes, research, and genres you explored in ENG 1101. With an emphasis on analytical approaches to argumentation and a research project, you will refine academic, critical, and informational literacy skills. This class will focus on themes of social inequality and identity in 21st century America and emphasize the development of critical literacy and consciousness through reading, analyzing, discussing, and writing about contemporary literary works that explore the intersections or race, class, gender and sexuality. Writing assignments will build on these themes while exploring a variety of genres as you will be encouraged to develop your own unique voice while developing rhetorical awareness, critical thinking and reading, writing and research skills. Prerequisites: ENG 1101; CUNY certification in reading and writing.