Individual Final Work

Ervin Zhao English 2575

An explanation of the research that you did during the semester, making sure the research you did is spelled out clearly.

During the beginning of the semester, we were given a task to examine the situation of our neighborhood. We had to describe who was living in your neighborhood and describe who was affected by the pandemic. That was the first task of our assignments, our next task was to exchange our findings and compare them to our partners. We were able to combine our information via email to complete our assignment. Our final task was to provide an informational ad for the public, with Yicheng Wang, Alpha Barry, Mazen Alquan, and myself we decided to design a flyer.

My job was to provide the group with information about what lessons were learned and how they should be prepared for the future. My method of research was fairly simple, after 6 months of fighting the virus much was learned and many articles regarding the pandemic from many medical professionals taught us how to avoid spreading the virus.

An explanation of your participation, including details on who you worked with, and your participation in the final group project.

During the beginning of the semester, I worked with Yicheng Wang to provide a combined examination of our neighborhood.

As the semester progressed I worked with Yicheng Wang, Alpha Barry and Mazen Alquan to provide an informational ad for the public. My task was to provide the group with information about what lessons were learned and how they should be prepared for the future.

Log entry

June 1 – Completing Task 1 and 2

June 2 – Emailed my partner the work I’ve submitted for tasks 1 and 2 and submitted it to Open labs

June 4 – Received an email from the professor about the next task that requires four students. Our group members were Yicheng Wang, Alpha Barry, and Mazen Alquan.

We exchanged contact information and started a Whatsapp group chat.

June 5 – We began working on task five.

June 10 – A google doc was created so we can write our work into it.

June 13 – Our group decided on our approach to inform the public.

We decided on flyers.

June 14 – A post on Openlabs about our idea and destination of our work.

June 15 – The design for the flyer began.

June 17 to June 22 – Everyone was doing their individual research.

June 23 – we posted our findings onto our Whatsapp group chat.

June 24 to June 29 – We did many revisions on the flyer until we were all satisfied with the results.

June 30 – Our project was complete.

I feel as a group member my weakness was procrastination, though I had extra time to work on this project I could have put more effort into my research at an earlier time. If I would have finished my project earlier and practiced a little more, my group and I would have been more in sync. I feel the strength I have as a group member is adapting. I think with the changes for class due to COVID-19, a strength of mine along with my group was adapting to the online classes. I feel as a group we all adapted well and made the decision. We got through it and did a great job! My strength as an individual was being prepared. I feel I was fully prepared for my role and confident in my research.