To Do Before Class:
Finish first draft of Unit Three Projects!
EXTRA CREDIT: Write a movie review for the movie we watched in class this week; write it as if you were writing for an audience who has already seen it! This means you should analyze moments of foreshadowing and symbolism – moments where, if you were to watch the movie again, you would say to yourself, “I should have seen that coming!” [300 words]
WRITE: Bring copies of your resume/CV to class on 12/3.
Class Topic:
Unit 3 Presentation Prep + Professional Writing
In-Class Activities:
CV/Resume/Cover Letter Day, Pt. 1
How to Make a Resume for Your First Job
Sample Career Advice Site and YouTube channel
Cover Letter Sample PDF Download
Student presentation sign-up sheet
To Do After Class:
Start Unit Four/Final Portfolio!
Begin revising either Unit One or Unit Two (whichever you will be using for your Final Portfolio). Use the Final Portfolio Reflection sheet to map your plan. The grade on your revision will replace your original grade.
WRITE: Bring a copy of a cover letter for your dream job as well as your CV/resume to class on 12/6. Post your writing before class on the Brightspace Discussion Board OR email it to me if you’d prefer to keep it confidential. Either method will receive equal credit.
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