Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the menu to explore the course information, activities, and resources. As the course progresses, you will be adding your … Continue
To Do Before Class:
WRITE: Upload copies of your resume/CV and cover letter; this will allow your peers to give feedback. (This is optional and you can email it to … Continue
To Do Before Class:
Start Unit Four/Final Portfolio!
Begin revising either Unit One or Unit Two (whichever you will be using for your Final Portfolio). Use … Continue
To Do Before Class:
Finish first draft of Unit Three Projects!
EXTRA CREDIT: Write a movie review for the movie we watched in class this week; write it as … Continue
To Do Before Class:
WORK: Continue to work on your Unit 3 Plan. Write an update on your progress.
WRITE: Rough Draft of Artist Statement and post as an Assignment… Continue
To Do Before Class:
Keep to your plan for Unit 3!
EXTRA CREDIT: Look up a movie review for any movie (but it must be one that you have seen!). … Continue
To Do Before Class:
WRITE: Write a plan for Unit 3 – New Genre piece. What are your goals for working/ thinking/ brainstorming/ gathering material? Students write a schedule for … Continue
To Do Before Class:
READ (and comment): Read at least two of your colleagues’ Unit 3 proposals, and comment on them. Comments should be at least 150 words. Please do … Continue
To Do Before Class:
Throughout the semester, we’ve seen people talking about (for example) education in a variety of different genres. In each of these instances, the author is trying … Continue
To Do Before Class:
WRITE: Write a paragraph (300 words) for your intended audience for Unit 3 introducing what you have learned about your topic using one of your “quotables” … Continue
To Do Before Class:
Final Draft RAB (make it look good!) – POST AS AN ASSIGNMENT!
Class Topic:
Units Two and Three: Transitions
In-Class Activities:
Examples of past Unit 3 … Continue