Technical Maintenance with Social Media Handles

This week has finally come! The website situation finally worked out with my boss. She finally had to hire someone to assist her in the process. She was asking me to work on the website for her as an additional assignment to give it a fresh set of eyes. The website was under construction I would say due to technical problems with the hosting supplier, her domain was not the issue. When orchestrating her website once it was finally taken care of, I was not a fan of her website layout and how the categories were assembled. I learned that when working under someone it’s best not to fight your opinion on certain things this being especially if they like it a particular way. I learned to be appropriate and not step on other people’s toes. This is because someone else worked on this project off the website to do the web design aspects of the page. I’m most definitely not a web designer even though I took a few courses at the New York City College of Technology to learn some basic design elements for the web.

With all this I previously mention I did have my win for the week, I was able to spend this week, in particular, updating the Instagram shop feature and discussing with my boss further plans for the little time left for the remainder of the internship