Ethic entry 2


1a.I have never intentionally used another student’s work but technically I have gotten inspiration from previous students’ work in the past especially when the professor commends them on how much the past student nailed the assignment. I never copied their work but I give credit. I do draw inspiration from their work and make it my own. I think transparency plays a big part in withholding great ethics in anyone’s work, especially if the product or company does more harm than good. When finding resources outside the classroom I try to add the photographer’s name somewhere in small print or say I have no ownership over the photographs being presented in my work

b)  Students are to give their opinion of the arguments and outcome of the Fairey Copyright case.B. While reading the Fairey case article called “Shepard Fairey Is Fined and Sentenced to Probation in ‘Hope’ Poster Case the article was written by Randy Kennedy and found in the New York Times I kind of felt indecisive about his actions in the beginning. I thought at first, that he wasn’t harming anyone with his work artwork like destroying the image of former President Barack Obama or diminishing his character for the 2008 campaign election. Then through reading the article a little more I recognized his deception and lies while on trial, he never gave credit to the photo that were originally used to make his poster which question his Ethics.


Kennedy, Randy. “Shepard Fairey Is Fined and Sentenced to Probation in ‘Hope’ Poster Case.” The New York Times, 7 Sept. 2012,