My design is meant to tell about my company and me. Each part of my design was carefully chosen. First, the curved font shows the elegance of my product. Second, the boldness of it represents the strength of my company. The color purple was meant to convey a sense of royalty in that my product can be seen as prestigious. Next, the clouds represent my main production company and inspiration of Cloud 23 Productions. Finally, the overall design is sleek and 3d to convey a sense of modernism.
I entered into the graphic design program at New York City College of technology this semester of Spring 2013. I previously went to Suffolk County Community College and received an A.A.S. in Television/Radio Production. I got into graphics back in high school once a friend showed me how to use Photoshop and After Effects in our TV, Video, and Digital Film Class in ESBOCES. I learned to love adding my own graphics to just about every video I ever worked on.
From high school I went on to become the main “design guy” for the look of SHARKS TV , SCCCs broadcasting program. I came to realize by always talking with my professor Alan Bernstein that I wanted to learn how to do graphics professionally. Though I do not consider myself a novice, every editing program I know has been self-taught. I now know Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, After Effects, InDesign and Audition. I also now know MAXON Cinema 4d and am currently learning HTML/CSS. My passion for graphics continues to grow everyday.