Internship Journal 1

(Repost from assignment)

I had already begun applying to some internships with help from the coordination site but with no responses back. Faculty Commons got posted about needing new interns and since I had once applied for the position and got as far as the interview I decided to apply again. I felt more confident this time since I had some experience working under someone and more material in my portfolio. I wanted to seem organized and self branded, so I made such to keep a similar design through my resume, cover letter, and portfolio.

When I got accepted for the interview I prepared myself for their questions. Since I already went through an interview with them before I tried to make sure I had good and through out answers for questions I fumbled before. Making sure I had clear examples of times I had trouble with projects or group partners and how I overcame those challenges were a main part of my preparation. I also had one of my professors go through my portfolio for feedback on the presentation and what I could add to it.

Sure enough, getting my things ready and set for the morning of the interview helped me not feel nervous and therefore at ease during it. Meeting with the supervisor Professor Julia Jordan again, she assured I was more confident in my abilities then the last time I saw her, and I was pleased she could also see it.