About Me

Thou art viewing me

A soon to be 23 year old Puerto Rican from Brooklyn, NY. I’m the middle child of three brothers, the older is a former Marine who went to Iraq and the younger who is aiming to transfer into John Jay for law (of course). My mother is a paraprofessional (could be a teacher but she needs to put herself out more and shes terrible at social interactions) and my father is somewhere in P.R. with a new family. 

I like building computers and taking them apart. I think I got that from my years in Junior High years when I was a part of the Lego Mindstorms group. I play games as most college kids with awesome computers do. I love my sci-fi/fantasy books and playing my Jamaican friend in chess when we have time.

When I think of more to place, I will. Until then arrivederci !

-I live, I love, I build and I am content.

