HW#3 Robert Cape- Li Xin Lin

After reading the analysis by Richard Whelan on Robert cape, it does convinced me a little and makes me question the truth behind the photo, so I do believed that this photograph is staged mainly because Whelan had capture some details normal people wouldn’t see for example he staged “Franks told me in conversation that the fact that the fingers are somewhat curled toward the palm clearly indicates that the man’s muscles have gone limp and that he is already dead.” Which is a true fact that physical actions that human body made will never lie to us. However people can still argue the other way around, but to me authenticity doesn’t really matter because “guessing” or “assuming” is also part of the art history, no artist would tell you the entire meaning of their art, its only for them self to know  or sometimes they don’t even know, so its our job as a third person to interpret the meaning behind it in our perspective.

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